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Your one stop BOINC stats site
I'm a big fan of SETI and have been a member since mid 2000, contributing processing power off and on since that day. I like long walks on the beach, running my toes through the sand and poking dead things with sticks. That being said, I believe we're in for some sort of cataclysm in Dec. 2012 and our only possible hope could very well lie with alien intervention. No, I'm not some kook, just a normal computer guy from Alabama that works at a major university, has a family and way too many computers at my disposal. I'm into hiking, survivalism, caving, computers... not a big fan of gadgets/cell phones... I don't personally like to be reachable, although I have been known to turn around and go back home to get my work cell phone. I don't have one of my own, and refuse to buy one.... seeing as how every employer I've had in the last 15 years has seen fit to give me one.
Member of the BOINC@jamaica Team. Join us at http://www.boinc.org.jm Join the BOINC@jamaica Team: http://www.boinc.org.jm Visit the BOINC@jamaica Team forum: http://www.boinc.org.jm/forums