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Your one stop BOINC stats site
La Crosse, Wisconsin. 28 years old. Currently unemployed and going through some depression but it is winter here right now.( I need the Sun and motorbikes) Self taught mechanic/fabricator/machinist. Automotive, Motorcycle tech. You name it I can probably fix it. Always science on the mind. A fair bit of chemistry in there too. Never went to college or technical school. Just read a lot and love to learn. Can't remember names though. Kind of a introverted person but happy to be here and hopefully help out a bit. Thanks for the opportunity.Cheers. Love, Peace, and Grease. Patrick Ryan.
Wir sind BOINC@Heidelberg, das sympathische Team aus Deutschland für jedermann. Wir sind bei nahezu allen BOINC-Projekten vertreten. Besucht doch unser Portal mit vielen nützlichen Informationen und einem tollen Forum. We are BOINC@Heidelberg, the sympathic team from Germany for everyone. You can find us at almost every BOINC project around. Please visit our website with a lot of useful information and a great forum (also english boards). http://www.boinc-team.de