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BAM!ID: 198827
Joined: 2015-12-17
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2016-02-24 05:55:39

Hello! I am an undergraduate researcher who has re-designed a molecular dynamics simulation code to run through BOINC. This project simulates the formation of Bulk Metallic Glass, a material stronger than most steels and as elastic as most polymers. Bulk metallic glasses have applications in everything from damage-resistant smartphones to bio-compatible glucose monitors for diabetics. However, there exist challenges in designing optimal bulk metallic glasses and understanding the ways that their bulk properties relate to their micro-scale formation. This project, performed in collaboration with Yale University's O'Hern group, aims to gain greater fundamental understanding of these materials. I am seeking testers and volunteers to help with this computation.

The project URL is:

At present, this project is only designed for Windows x64.

If you can point me to other places to seek testers, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

If you want to know more about the science, you can read our recent paper:
BAM!ID: 60911
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2016-02-25 04:09:49

Is anyone else getting this when clicking the link?

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
has blocked a potentially malicious website.
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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-02-25 16:04:43

I didn't get any warnings with the latest AVG. Also see And, I manually connected to the project since it is not yet on BOINCstats/BAM!; it works fine. I don't know about WU crunching (I have one in progress), but setting up an account complete with a profile and modified community/project settings plus creating a team went without a hitch, much smoother than most in recent memory...

BAM!ID: 198827
Joined: 2015-12-17
Posts: 2
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2016-02-26 00:44:18
last modified: 2016-02-26 00:44:54

I followed up in the thread linked by Tuna Ertemalp ( I am not sure why your anti-virus is reporting a false positive, but one of the testers noted that it is common for new projects to face this issue. Please consider excluding the BOINC folder from your anti-virus. I appreciate your help!

Edit: Added link.
BAM!ID: 60911
Joined: 2008-10-31
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2016-02-27 01:27:02

bdice, this has nothing to do with the BOINC directory on the hard disk. This is blocking the website from being browsed.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
Joined: 2007-10-31
Posts: 535
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2016-03-03 00:54:58

Willy, are you going to add this to Sign-up for projects page?

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-03-03 07:32:15

It's added.
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Pages: [1]

Index :: The Projects :: Announcing BMG@Home - Seeking Testers & Volunteers for Bulk Metallic Glass Simulations!