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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-09 21:49:40

Most of my hosts are attached to all non-retired projects except when I don't have the right hardware or OS (e.g. Bitcoin Utopia, Quake-Catcher Network, RADIOACTIVE@HOME, WEP-M+2). Therefore, when sorted by ProjectName, both my Projects tab under the BOINCManager and the MyProjects page here are in the exact same order...

...except for two projects: Sourcefinder (duchamp) & theSkyNet POGS (pogs). The names in parentheses are the names in the BOINCManager.

Sometimes I use splitscreen to compare values of host stuff (like, attached? resshare? etc.) in BAM! with the actual values in BOINCMgr, and this sort order issue has bitten me more than once. Minor issue, but sort of like the fly in the ointment...

May I suggest that in BAM we rename these two projects to:

- Duchamp Sourcefinder (which is already the term used in some parts of the project's own site)
- POGS (theSkyNet)

These clearly state the same information as before, and also fix the project sort order by the project name sent out to the hosts by their masterfiles.

Thanks for your consideration...


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2017-04-13 19:39:55

Well... toss in the fact that both of those projects belong to team and SourceFinder was their first app that was found on their main site They also intend on eventually tethering the new SourceFinder stats back to the main page again some year in the future to coincide with POGS and the old SourceFinder stats. So, I would say that theskynet should be labeled on both in some way so others are more clear. It was confusing when theskynet launched POGS the way they did. IMO, they should have just made it all one project with sub projects and had one server homepage for people to log into. But my opinion doesn't count.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-15 07:10:22

Renamed the projects.
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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-15 08:45:08

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-05-05 17:01:59
last modified: 2017-05-05 17:02:19

With the introduction of Climate@Home, another sort order got broken...

Under, it is:

Climate Prediction

Under BOINCMgr's Projects tab, it is:


In other words, flipped.

May I suggest that we refer to the new project as "Climate At Home"? Or, assuming "@" comes before "P", rename the old one to "ClimatePrediction"?

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2017-05-17 10:33:14

Now that the Sourcefinder project is out of beta and switched their URL from an IP address to I would suggest to again rename the two skynet projects to e.g. theSkyNet (POGS) and theSkyNet (Sourcefinder). This naming scheme is also represented in the projects logos now.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-05-17 23:56:58

Tom_unoduetre wrote:

Now that the Sourcefinder project is out of beta and switched their URL from an IP address to I would suggest to again rename the two skynet projects to e.g. theSkyNet (POGS) and theSkyNet (Sourcefinder). This naming scheme is also represented in the projects logos now.

My suggestions are not about naming projects more properly, but naming them so that the alphabetical order of names on BOINCstats match the order in the Project tabs in the BOINC Manager app on our hosts. The latter is based on short names sent to the hosts by the projects themselves, so as long as those are "duchamp" and "pogs", your suggestion would again make the project sort order different between BS and BOINGMgr.

In general, I don't like how there are different ways a project is named, which is the larger problem: on BS, in BOINC Mgr as short name, on their website, sometimes in multiple ways on misc pages, and within their URLs. Too many names, too inconsistently. Sigh.

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Index :: The Projects :: Suggestion to rename two projects