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2006-11-24 13:17:22

E@H down: What's going on?

John Hunt
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2006-11-24 13:21:08

Message from Bruce says Einstein should be back up 07.00 25/11/2006.
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2006-11-24 16:35:04

Also do realise that einsteins puter's have been on for 160 days without any problems. Einstein will be back. no need to panic.

I remember predictor being offline for 6 months 2 years ago, while they updates their servers from 3.x to 4.x
Tester - Translator
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2006-12-07 20:28:00

Again no need to panic, but:
Einstein@Home STATUS

[Last update: Thu Dec 7 19:42:12 UTC 2006]

Einstein@Home will be offline until further notice.

Two disks have failed in the main file server. This server uses a raid6
array so we cannot afford any to lose any more disks. The project will
remain offline until the raid array has time to rebuild.

More news will be posted here as it becomes available.

Thank you,
David Hammer

I hope they will sort this as quickly as the last time.
Grüße vom Sänger
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2006-12-08 17:59:51
last modified: 2006-12-08 18:00:13

New info:
The raid array should finish rebuilding at about 15:00 UTC but the project
will be kept offline to upgrade some hardware in the fileserver that should
increase the reliability. We will try to have E@H running again by 22:00 UTC.
BAM!ID: 115
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2006-12-08 23:12:18

[Last update: Fri Dec 8 22:21:43 UTC 2006]

I am running a little bit behind schedule but I expect to have the project
running by 00:00 Dec 9.

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2006-12-08 23:17:21
last modified: 2006-12-08 23:20:59

It's up and running now, as far as I can tell.

[edit]Well, I uploaded some WUs anyway, but can't D/L new ones. But the main webpage is up.[/edit]
Don\'t get distracted by shiny objects.
BAM!ID: 115
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2006-12-08 23:24:37

[edit]Well, I uploaded some WUs anyway, but can't D/L new ones. But the main webpage is up.[/edit]

Uploaded files only, or uploaded + reported?
BAM!ID: 6734
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2006-12-08 23:40:14

[edit]Well, I uploaded some WUs anyway, but can't D/L new ones. But the main webpage is up.[/edit]

Uploaded files only, or uploaded + reported?

Upload only, can't report keep getting the red "project is down." But now nothing works, get an error when trying to load the main page
Don\'t get distracted by shiny objects.
BAM!ID: 115
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2006-12-08 23:40:30
last modified: 2006-12-08 23:41:07

Scheduler is off, uploads are enabled. I guess you can't report units, can upload files though. I tried to say this on Einstein forums, but they ask for a minimum RAC

EDIT: now webserver is refusing connections...
anders n
BAM!ID: 3707
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2006-12-28 19:27:45

Einstein@Home STATUS

[Last update: Thu Dec 28 18:57:50 UTC 2006]

Einstein@Home will be offline until further notice.

Two disks have failed in the main file server. This server uses a raid6
array so we cannot afford any to lose any more disks. The project will
remain offline until the raid array has time to rebuild.

More news will be posted here as it becomes available.

Thank you,
David Hammer

Hope for the best .

Anders n
BAM!ID: 115
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2006-12-28 19:32:55

Einstein@Home STATUS

[Last update: Thu Dec 28 18:57:50 UTC 2006]

Einstein@Home will be offline until further notice.

Two disks have failed in the main file server. This server uses a raid6
array so we cannot afford any to lose any more disks. The project will
remain offline until the raid array has time to rebuild.

More news will be posted here as it becomes available.

Thank you,
David Hammer

Hope for the best .

Anders n

This problem was fixed long ago; they probably have different problems now.
anders n
BAM!ID: 3707
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2006-12-28 19:36:06

his problem was fixed long ago; they probably have different problems now.

Well thats what the homepage say...

Lets hope they sort it out what ever problem they have

Anders n
BAM!ID: 115
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2006-12-28 19:39:09

his problem was fixed long ago; they probably have different problems now.

Well thats what the homepage say...

Ohh, didn't notice the date! Same problem again?!

Lets hope they sort it out what ever problem they have

Agree on that
BAM!ID: 3805
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2006-12-30 14:16:28

I don't get new WU's from E@H. My Cache is empty. And if I want to get work manually I get this reports on BOINC Manager:
Einstein@home Reason: Requested by user
Einstein@home (not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
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2006-12-30 15:48:41

My problem is solved! I don't know how, but I'm glad to have new work
anders n
BAM!ID: 3707
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2007-01-01 18:59:57

Einstein@Home STATUS

[Last update: Mon Jan 1 18:40:12 UTC 2007]

Einstein@Home will be offline until further notice.

The main file server has failed once again. At this time we do not know
how serious the problem is. The project may be down for a couple of days
until a temporary replacement fileserver can be put in place.

More news will be posted here as it becomes available.

Thank you,
David Hammer

Hope for the best

Anders n
Martin P.
BAM!ID: 384
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2007-01-05 18:05:03
last modified: 2007-01-05 18:05:27

And down once again (17:56 UTC) ...
BAM!ID: 115
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2007-01-05 18:15:48

Can't be ****ing possible! What a luck they have
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