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BAM!ID: 2894
Joined: 2006-07-06
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2006-12-23 06:16:03


I run multiple projects, on 3 regular machines (Athlon 1.2, MacBook Duel 2ghz & P4 2.8).. In the last few days, my LEAST powerful machine has now started to get Seti and Einstein Units totalling 24hrs!! None of my other machines get anything that totals at a push 5hrs! and really never have!

Am i just unlucky when i get the unit? or is it a preference problem?

BAM!ID: 109
Joined: 2006-05-10
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2006-12-23 08:09:02

Einstein has 'short' and 'long' work units...
SETI has variable units since introduction of Enhanced application.

Nothing wrong with it...perhaps short unit run out at the moment.
Pages: [1]

Index :: The Projects :: Size of work units recently..