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Gary Bouskill
BAM!ID: 5626
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2007-12-23 20:43:38
last modified: 2007-12-23 20:46:12

I am running Seti@Home, SIMAP, and Climate Prediction. My preferences are set for equal sharing between the three and to change projects every hour but Climate Prediction always starts running at high priority and the sharing stops. To get the other two projects to run I have to periodically suspend Climate Prediction.

Occasionally SIMAP will also run at high priority.

Does anyone know why this is happening? What controls priority?

Thank you.
Gary Bouskill
BAM!ID: 571
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2007-12-24 02:40:21

This means that BOINC sees a possible deadline problem. In that case it gives tasks more CPU time than their resource share would normally allow. Often once you get farther into the CPDN model the estimated time to completion will be more accurate and the client will no longer be as concerned about missing the deadline. In the long run your resource shares will be honored by not downloading more tasks from projects that have used more than their share of the CPU.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
Gary Bouskill
BAM!ID: 5626
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2007-12-24 17:41:41

This means that BOINC sees a possible deadline problem. In that case it gives tasks more CPU time than their resource share would normally allow. Often once you get farther into the CPDN model the estimated time to completion will be more accurate and the client will no longer be as concerned about missing the deadline. In the long run your resource shares will be honored by not downloading more tasks from projects that have used more than their share of the CPU.

I suspected that might be the case. The project has a completion date of 12/01/08 with a lot of hours yet to run to completion (Progress 29%). I'll just leave it running for awhile.

Thank you for your reply,
BAM!ID: 3895
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2007-12-24 18:45:12

I suspected that might be the case. The project has a completion date of 12/01/08 with a lot of hours yet to run to completion (Progress 29%). I'll just leave it running for awhile.

Just remember, if one of the other projects gets into deadline trouble, that project should kick into high priority, so it's not like the Climate Prediction high priority will result in late WU's, just no more WU's while it's in high priority.
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2007-12-29 00:26:41

I suspected that might be the case. The project has a completion date of 12/01/08 with a lot of hours yet to run to completion (Progress 29%). I'll just leave it running for awhile.

Do know that CPDN is the only project that allows their models to continue after the deadline. You'll still get credit for the trickles you send in. Only BOINC will complain that the task is past deadline and that you should consider canceling it. If you don't want to, then don't.
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2007-12-29 01:12:29

climate is not the only project to grant credits after the deadline. Depspid is another one, and there ARE others out there.
BAM!ID: 3895
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2007-12-29 14:07:04

I know that most projects that have a minimum quorum will usually give you points, if you get it in before the quorum is made.
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Pages: [1]

Index :: The Projects :: Climateprediction always running at high priority.