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BAM!ID: 15220
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2008-03-06 18:04:55

From my side lhc is not reachable since 3hours. I tried to ping there server but nothing returns, dns couldn't be resolved...
BAM!ID: 115
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2008-03-07 15:36:52

From my side lhc is not reachable since 3hours. I tried to ping there server but nothing returns, dns couldn't be resolved...

Works for me.
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
BAM!ID: 4230
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2008-03-07 22:41:30

Today I received WU's - down and upload is ok under

the HP is available
I wish I can fly like a bird in the sky
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2008-04-01 14:05:44
last modified: 2008-04-01 14:11:29

So what's going on with LHC? I see they have a "Down for Maintainance" [sic] message where the homepage should be, but what issue is happening with the clients? I gather that the manager will disconnect from the core client when it talks to LHC? I have no problem, but then again I haven't had LHC WUs for some time.... Anybody with more insight?

[edit]All I get is a [error] No start tag in scheduler reply in the messages[/edit]
Don\'t get distracted by shiny objects.
BAM!ID: 115
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2008-04-01 15:10:22

[edit]All I get is a [error] No start tag in scheduler reply in the messages[/edit]

Lucky of you. Most people are having their BOINC clients crash.
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
Forum moderator - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2008-04-01 15:20:09

This thread might prove helpful if you are dealing with LHC induced BOINC crash syndrome.
BAM!ID: 18
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2008-04-01 15:28:19

If you can log in on the Seti.USA forums... Else just use the threads on the BOINC Dev forums. There are enough of them in the BOINC Manager and BOINC Core Client forums.

2008-04-02 21:05:03

So what's going on with LHC? I see they have a "Down for Maintainance" [sic] message where the homepage should be, but what issue is happening with the clients? I gather that the manager will disconnect from the core client when it talks to LHC? I have no problem, but then again I haven't had LHC WUs for some time.... Anybody with more insight?

[edit]All I get is a [error] No start tag in scheduler reply in the messages[/edit]

I'm getting the same message when I try to view the LHC website, but the unusual thing is that I'm having no problem uploading and downloading work units
Barbud [USA]
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2008-04-03 12:33:33
last modified: 2008-04-03 12:36:42

So what's going on with LHC? I see they have a "Down for Maintainance" [sic] message where the homepage should be, but what issue is happening with the clients? I gather that the manager will disconnect from the core client when it talks to LHC? I have no problem, but then again I haven't had LHC WUs for some time.... Anybody with more insight?

[edit]All I get is a [error] No start tag in scheduler reply in the messages[/edit]

I'm getting the same message when I try to view the LHC website, but the unusual thing is that I'm having no problem uploading and downloading work units

I just noticed the same thing. Ever Since 3/31/2008 5:18 AM I received the error code above, then this morning I noticed I have completed wu's on a few of my hosts. Hopefully they are on the rebound.

edit: I just noticed a new error code for LHC. It looks like somebody is working on it.
4/3/2008 7:34:21 AM|lhcathome|Message from server: Project encountered internal error: shared memory
BAM!ID: 9744
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2008-04-09 14:11:23

Indeed quite odd, WorkUnits keep coming but the Website is still down (Project down for Maintenance) - since 9 days (?)

2008-04-10 08:20:10

Maybe it has something to do with this thread

It may have just been an April Fool or LHC have taken site down until they know whats going on for sure.

2008-04-10 21:34:14

Sorry about the sudden and lengthy suspension of the website. As you may have noticed work units were still coming and going so operation of the project was still ongoing. The reason for the suspension was CERN asked (read: told) us to remove some 'inappropriate content' which was spam within profiles of users. This was a bigger issue than originally thought and we've been searchin through profiles and purging the database when we've had time to do so. We are really sorry but this had popped up in the midst of a whole mess of other things (I've actually been away for most of it) and wasn't done very quickly.
Again thank you all for your patience and I got all your emails and we know it was CERN's open day etc etc.
Later days,
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