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BAM!ID: 18174
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2009-02-06 07:42:47

I was checking some projects and found many projects no longer active or worse no longer exist
Now a website can be down for a short while but after a month i start to believe they disappeared
for instance milkyway@home and rieselsieve have been gone for at least a month now
Are you gonna clear them from the list of available projects ?
Tester - Translator
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2009-02-06 08:33:05

I was checking some projects and found many projects no longer active or worse no longer exist
Now a website can be down for a short while but after a month i start to believe they disappeared
for instance milkyway@home and rieselsieve have been gone for at least a month now
Are you gonna clear them from the list of available projects ?

Milky is gone since no more than 2-3 days.
Riesel is in the list of inactive projects.

What's the problem?
Grüße vom Sänger
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2009-02-06 08:39:30

I was checking some projects and found many projects no longer active or worse no longer exist
Now a website can be down for a short while but after a month i start to believe they disappeared
for instance milkyway@home and rieselsieve have been gone for at least a month now
Are you gonna clear them from the list of available projects ?

The RieselSieve project is under construction for several months now.
With MilkyWay you was not lucky, because it was running for over a year and is not accessible since yesterday. So patience required.

BAM!ID: 18
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2009-02-06 18:29:08

Travis Desell, Milkyway Admin wrote:

Yeah the mysql database got corrupted yesterday. We've been working on getting it fixed and the server up and running right. I hope it should be back today.
BAM!ID: 18
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2009-02-06 18:46:11

Travis Desell, Milkyway Admin wrote:
We're just waiting on the database to finish rebuilding itself and for the data to be verified. Our labstaff is saying it should be ok by the end of the day

BAM!ID: 18
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2009-02-06 19:10:16

Travis wrote:
Ageless wrote:
Is there any trouble to be expected with (and for) the work that people still have and are trying to upload and report? Or do you think this is all lost (and could we just as well reset anyway?)

I think it should be fine. They should be able to upload when the server comes back.
BAM!ID: 61878
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2009-02-06 20:15:00

Travis wrote:
Ageless wrote:
Is there any trouble to be expected with (and for) the work that people still have and are trying to upload and report? Or do you think this is all lost (and could we just as well reset anyway?)

I think it should be fine. They should be able to upload when the server comes back.

Thanks Ageless for keeping us up to date. My machine's ready whenever MW is.

2009-02-06 22:03:29

Thanks Ageless for keeping us up to date. My machine's ready whenever MW is.

Thanks from me also Ageless. This is an, um, interesting forum
BAM!ID: 61878
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2009-02-06 22:50:26

Travis Desell, Milkyway Admin wrote:
We're just waiting on the database to finish rebuilding itself and for the data to be verified. Our labstaff is saying it should be ok by the end of the day

Seems like some of it's up. The site is available, but nothing is actually working yet. However, it's a big step forward.
BAM!ID: 18174
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2009-02-07 13:45:33

Ok guys i make myself a bit more clear about what i meant,
that even though i was mistaken about Milkyway still the other is showing as being active.

When i goto Sign-up for Projects you see that rieselsieve seems to be a active project while its not, that's all.
Thats where i select the projects which i am going to run when i am active on boinc
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2009-02-15 18:38:57

When i goto Sign-up for Projects you see that rieselsieve seems to be a active project while its not, that's all.
Thats where i select the projects which i am going to run when i am active on boinc

Not anymore.
Er... closer.
Now the only down project in the list is APS@Home
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