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BAM!ID: 66688
Joined: 2009-03-16
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2009-04-30 06:07:21


The situation with Cosmology@home credits is never seen before - the project is giving additional or extra credits to all participants, including inactive and undecided participants, which were attached to project ever and which never did any job there.
So, Cosmology got yesterday thousands of new active users with exactly 5000 credits!
I wrote about this problem (possible with project database) today to Cosmology forum, link is HERE.
I am shocked an worried, because the question is...
Does Cosmology has REAL serious problems with project server?
Are they playing dirty games trying to increase project ratings purposely?

Best regards
Brian Silvers
BAM!ID: 68599
Joined: 2009-04-30
Posts: 1
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World-rank: 0

2009-04-30 16:06:12

metalius wrote:

The situation with Cosmology@home credits is never seen before - the project is giving additional or extra credits to all participants, including inactive and undecided participants, which were attached to project ever and which never did any job there.
So, Cosmology got yesterday thousands of new active users with exactly 5000 credits!
I wrote about this problem (possible with project database) today to Cosmology forum, link is HERE.
I am shocked an worried, because the question is...
Does Cosmology has REAL serious problems with project server?
Are they playing dirty games trying to increase project ratings purposely?

Best regards

There really were problems with the server, and I knew once they started talking about giving credits due to the turmoil that has been going on that many of the traditional "too much credit" crowd would start squawking. I didn't want Anshul to do ANYTHING as far as giving credits out. Every time it was done in the past something got screwed up. Apparently this time is no different. It was supposed to be to all active participants, but I figured something would go wrong. Since he seemed bound and determined to do it, Misfit ended up making the suggestion for all active participants, which I felt was appropriate because some users still had a working application after the server crash, but others didn't, and it seemed unfair that the people who did the work spent the time and energy processing the task, but then others who just had errors on downloading would get "something for nothing". It was a bad idea to do what was done from a BOINC-wide perspective, but it was something that inside the project was the less controversial choice considering Anshul was pretty set on doing it.

So, before casting stones and what not, you might go try to follow the trials and tribulations that have happened there for the past 2 months. Really there have been problems going on for more than a year, but the past 2 months have been rather crazy...

Oh, and as far as their "ratings", this was a one-time deal. Frankly, if I didn't like the science behind the project, I'd not even bother with them anymore. 5000 is not much in the grand scheme of things. It looks massive today, but honestly you folks who get all up in arms about "Cross Project Parity" should just sit this one out and not get all worked up...

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Index :: The Projects :: Cosmology@home is giving extra credits!!!