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Jon Heels
BAM!ID: 92751
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2011-01-22 16:49:52

I hve just recently returned to crunching after a lengthy break with a new machine. Although I have certainly gained a lot more credits running my new computer and have found several new projects to participate in, I have come across a new problem in that certain projects I used to run such as Milkyway@home no longer work even though my new machine is much faster because the GPU is not compatible with the project.

Also projects like Prime Grid and NFS@home are also causing me a problem as some "subprojects" run on my system and some don't and I don't have the expertise to fine tune my system to solve these problems.

I must stress that I am not criticising any of the 3 projects mentioned and I was just mentioning them to illustrate a point.

I feel that it would be very helpful if projects gave potential contributors more information concerning system requirements especially concerning the GPU as this appears to have a major effect on running project such as Milkyway@home and certain Prime Grid subprojects.

I am glad to be back crunching, if only every project would run on my machine!


Bruce Kennedy
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2011-01-22 21:49:11

Jon Heels wrote:
I hve just recently returned to crunching after a lengthy break with a new machine. Although I have certainly gained a lot more credits running my new computer and have found several new projects to participate in, I have come across a new problem in that certain projects I used to run such as Milkyway@home no longer work even though my new machine is much faster because the GPU is not compatible with the project.


We'll have more luck helping you if you provide some information about your new machine. Processor, operating system, GPU & driver, etc.
Which "subprojects" are a problem? The more information the better.

Jon Heels
BAM!ID: 92751
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2011-01-23 01:54:01

Thank you Bruce for your message. My system is

Intel Core2 Duo E7500 ( 2.93 GHZ ) with 4GB memory running Windows 7 64 Bit

ATI Radeon HD4570 XT 512MB.

I know that Milkyway@Home will not run as it requires a double precision GPU which I do not have.

I am having trouble with the Proth subproject with Prime Grid.

NFS@Home just occasionally gives an error with WU16

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

I am fairly happy with the situation at present as I have lots of other projects to crunch, but it would help if there was a facility for potential crunchers to find out if their systems would run a project. When I attach to a new project I do check if that project does support Windows 7 but that is usually all the information that project sites give me.


Bruce Kennedy
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BAM!ID: 64959
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2011-01-23 15:50:15


You're right about Milkyway not supporting the HD4570 because it lacks double precision support. Nothing you can do about that.

The current ATI driver is version 10.12 dated 12/13/2010. The PrimeGrid subproject Proth Prime Search may work better with the current driver. If you have an older version, you may want to consider updating at this site.

For NFS you could try to update the preferences and unselect lasievef since it's requirement of 1 GB of memory would be more likely to give an error especially if you are trying to use the machine for other uses while BOINC is running.

As far as the GPU requirements go for each project, checking each project forum or just trying it is the quickest way to find out.

I think your GPU will support Collatz, DNETC, and PrimeGrid/ProthPrimeSearch and not support MilkyWay, SETI, or GPUGrid.

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