Hi there,
I apologize in advance if this sounds harsh, but here goes.
You intended to be harsh so why do you apologize for something that you intended to do in the first place?
ANY computer exposed to the internet should EXPECT this. Try hosting an adult site if you think a couple hundred a day is bad. And why the hell would you even allow remote logins to root from the net on a webserver?
We don't. Unfounded assumption.
people attached to the project?
We assume nothing.
Most get FAR worse than that. If you are worried about what a few 12 year olds say on a video game forum, I recommend you stop searching the internet, you might be scared when you find out what else is out there.
I am not worried about anything. I just present facts.
Definately agree there, but I think it would be a good idea if the BAM would seperate "commercial" and "non-profit" projects if possible. I signed up to this through BAM and didn't read through the site until after I had already crunched it a bit (100% completely, entirely my own fault, lesson learned.)
I support this idea. We have no desire to work with volunteers that are only interested in credits or the other features that the Boinc platform is offering.
I think you will find that most people who own any serious crunching power understand technology better than you give them credit for.
I have expressed a fact. I haven't generalized. I aimed for the majority.
I think the reason your project is unpopular is becuase 1) Extremely low credits granted (I haven't attached in a while, so if this has changed I don't know) 2) The below mentioned issues with the forums 3) The fact that it is a commercial endeavor.
We are not even sure that we want to make this a popular project in the first place. We would like to reach sooner the 100 billion neurons simulated mark, but going forward we will decide upon the future project format. We are considering providing a list of questions to new users, so that we can eliminate the ones that have little interest in the goal or are not aware of what we are trying to accomplish.
We are advertising on Google. We considered advertising on BoincStats but we no longer intend to do that.
In regards to amount of credits awarded we left the default system in place.
No comment for the third item.
If you really want to push this projects popularity up, interact with people, find a better way to handle "threats".
See above.
Be as forthcoming as possible about everything you do, and what work is being done on volunteers machines
See above.
establish a better credit system, and interact with the forum community on a daily basis.
In regards to the first item that should be David's decision not mine. We do interact on our forums on a daily basis.
I also think that you should seriously consider your comments before posting them, and the impact they will have. (As in write it, go home, go to bed, and re-read it the next day) If it's going to impact anyone, you better be sure it's exactly what you want to say, and how you want to say it.
I also think that you should do the same.
I think I overstayed my presence on this forum, and because I have a lot of work to do, I will move on. I have a better understanding now of the issues and the opportunities that we are facing.
Thank you.