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2006-06-09 16:07:16
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2006-06-13 18:13:55

Watch out on this one. Their WU's have no estimated time on them, and it throws your client into EDF mode as soon as you download one.
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2006-06-13 21:20:02

What is the goal of this project ?
BAM!ID: 474
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2006-06-14 13:56:12

Message boards are up there.

Something to do with prime numbers.
Lee Carre
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2006-06-15 00:32:22

Message boards are up there.
thanks for the notice

Something to do with prime numbers.
ah, good, a BOINC version of GIMPS
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2006-06-15 10:41:41

And they export stats now
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2006-06-15 16:58:55
last modified: 2006-06-15 17:10:21

Will add the stats tonight.

That is: if they agree to show them.
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BAM!ID: 474
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2006-06-19 15:24:23

Got me first credits.

Got paired up with a burp participant and burp doesn't always play nice when cleaning up the slots. Kills other projects in a blink of an electron.

Pending credits are going up b/c their aren't enough users yet to have those errored out WUs sent to.

Major problem is that WUs come in with at 0:00:00 estimated time to completion and throw my system into EDF immediately.

No major problems I can see, although their servers are down at the moment.
Trog Dog
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2006-06-19 21:32:04

No major problems I can see, although their servers are down at the moment.

Oops, we've broken it already
BAM!ID: 474
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2006-06-20 14:51:06

No major problems I can see, although their servers are down at the moment.

Oops, we've broken it already

haven't been able to get the site for about 24 hours I think

Been trying to upload since 8 am local time (it's now 11:50 pm).

I think I saw a message from them on one of the boinc mailing lists.
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2006-06-20 17:45:14
last modified: 2006-06-20 18:21:36

I saw this new project in the scheduler list yesterday.
Unfortunately it seems to be down since then and I can't create an account.
Before it will be up again:
1. What's an EDF mode you speak of? Never heard of it before.
2. Is that VTU the same as the VGTU@Home? VGTU only uses client v.4
Seems it isn't supported for BAM yet, because sign-up does not have it in it's list.
BOINC@Heidelberg & BOINC Confederation-member

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Trog Dog
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2006-06-21 11:40:36

I saw this new project in the scheduler list yesterday.
Unfortunately it seems to be down since then and I can't create an account.
Before it will be up again:
1. What's an EDF mode you speak of? Never heard of it before.
2. Is that VTU the same as the VGTU@Home? VGTU only uses client v.4
Seems it isn't supported for BAM yet, because sign-up does not have it in it's list.

G'day Doctor Now

EDF mode is Earliest Deadline First - you can find more info here .

VGTU is run at the same university as VTU, whether its run by the same people, I'm not sure. I don't think that VGTU is actually producing wortkunits though as nobody seems to have any credits, although the app is version 4. Neither project supports BAM.
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2006-06-21 13:36:48

[quote]EDF mode is Earliest Deadline First[quote]

Oh, I must have known it.
I'm familiar with this, it happens very often if I have too much work on my client.
Nevertheless I didn't know that this is abbreviated as EDF.

But Thanx for the info
BOINC@Heidelberg & BOINC Confederation-member

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2006-06-22 01:47:14

what is VTu about and when can we expect it to be back as I have a WU done waiting to report.
BAM!ID: 474
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2006-06-22 13:46:39

what is VTu about and when can we expect it to be back as I have a WU done waiting to report.

it has something to do with prime numbers...

and i don't know when it'll be back online.

i had 1 wu to upload, but it was gong to go over deadline so I just detached.
BAM!ID: 474
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2006-06-23 13:27:55

project is back up!
BAM!ID: 336
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2006-06-28 08:01:54

It appears there might be a glitch in how BoincStats is displaying VTU results:

Right now the graphs show that all the VTU credits were awarded back in May, before the project even started. Strange.

dave t
Trog Dog
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2006-08-08 14:00:26

The VTU validator is back up and running

This project is only suitable for the most patient of alpha testers, the dev Aurimas appears to be overworked and learning the BOINC API/package as he goes.

Ken_g6 - TeAm Anandtech
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2006-08-13 04:02:30

I couldn't find out much about this on the site. But according to my team's forum:

Project Description: The aim of the project is to count the quantity of prime numbers in a large interval. The worst possible known algorythm is used in order to utilize lot of computing hours and many workunits to test the BOINC system and study the client API.
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2006-09-15 10:14:41

After some months of pointing out to problem with unrealistic credit and asking over and over again to fix it (last time i did was yesterday), homepage of VTU says:
the problem with a huhe amount of credit for Czech national team was solved. Sorry for inconvenience...

I'm glad that aurimas was able to fix it.
BAM!ID: 123
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2007-03-20 23:49:16

March 20, 2007
The project server was upgraded to the greatest version ...

I am assuming this means they support account management features. Can you see if you can add VTU to BAM!?


p.s. I hope this meens they are moving forward more?
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