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BAM!ID: 236416
Joined: 2020-04-07
Posts: 4
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2020-05-05 03:57:02

We have implemented the code for exporting statistics from BOINC@TACC to boincstats. Could the admins please add BOINC@TACC to the list of projects from where statistics could be collected?
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2020-05-08 16:04:53

Perhaps you should not only set the stats to 'enabled', but also export stats regularly, at least once a day -but preferably more frequent.
BAM!ID: 232972
Joined: 2019-07-13
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2020-05-14 18:46:57

Dear BAM! Admin,
could you verify the URL to attach the BOINC@TACC project?

I have just attached the BOINC@TACC project via your boincstats account manager.
BAM! account managers uses the URL https://.... (pay attention, https with "s&quot.

The Notices tab in my BOINC manager GUI shows the error:
This project is using an old URL. When convenient, remove the project, then add

This is the forum thraed I opened the BOINC@TACC website to discuss the issue

Thank you
Pages: [1]

Index :: New projects :: Added stats to BOINC@TACC server