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BAM!ID: 5048
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2006-10-22 17:05:56

What about that project? Why it's not included into BAM?

Tester - Translator
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2006-10-22 17:41:29

What about that project? Why it's not included into BAM?


Because it never really started. Look at the top crunchers
Pasquale didn't get his money for the proposal, so it was a non-starter.
But afaik he's confident that he will one day get the grant
BAM!ID: 5048
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2006-10-22 18:08:34

What about that project? Why it's not included into BAM?


Because it never really started. Look at the top crunchers
Pasquale didn't get his money for the proposal, so it was a non-starter.
But afaik he's confident that he will one day get the grant

Oh! It's true! Thanks!
Lee Carre
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2006-10-23 00:52:29

Pasquale didn't get his money for the proposal, so it was a non-starter.
damn government bean-counters!
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2006-11-28 17:24:41

What about that project? Why it's not included into BAM?


oddly enough....there was a msg today about it being up. but you cant join the project. its yet another one that you cant join at the minute
BAM!ID: 191
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2007-02-27 07:49:42

oddly enough....there was a msg today about it being up. but you cant join the project. its yet another one that you cant join at the minute

I just joined manually, so today it is open.

The message says it will soon get better, so maybe it is time to think again about adding it.
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2007-02-27 14:12:11

And they now run the latest BOINC code, so I speculate that AMS functions work now.
BAM!ID: 191
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2007-02-27 14:58:37

And they now run the latest BOINC code, so I speculate that AMS functions work now.

So I assume I can soon use bam to attach my computers.

But a manual attach try ended in an error with shared memory on the server
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-02-27 15:31:33

At the moment this project is a dead duck in the water (that is a true American expressions isn't it?) so there is no use administrating this project I guess. Hence it's not high on my priority list.
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Tester - Translator
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2007-02-27 17:34:42

Pasquale didn't get his money for the proposal, so it was a non-starter.
But afaik he's confident that he will one day get the grant

And now for some good news:

February 26, 2007
We have finally some news. Good news. We're going to receive a very substantial donation sometime in the next four months, that will allow this project to reach the public beta phase, with support for clients for Linux/Mac OS X/Windows, new work units generated on a daily basis, and a graphical screen saver. Before then, we're going to update the orbit@home website, implementing a donation mechanism and exploring new ways to provide the funding for the project. Your ideas are welcome! One more thing: we're going to re-open for registration by new users. Welcome to the regenerated orbit@home!
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 191
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2007-02-28 09:05:55

At the moment this project is a dead duck in the water (that is a true American expressions isn't it?) so there is no use administrating this project I guess.

That's true, so I assume you can wait until the someone posts here that the project is now really working.

But if you have time, maybe you can do it even before. (Of course only if there are not to many effords to get that done. I don't know how much work it is to add a project (it is already in the rss feed, some some minor? parts are already done))

[AF>France>Sale-caractere] Antares
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2007-02-28 12:56:02

It would be necessary that BAM takes it into account?
Ken Vogt
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2007-02-28 14:47:54
last modified: 2007-02-28 14:52:06

orbit@home is now open for account creation, and people can attach to it, although stats export is months away at least.

So from a BAM! point of view, I think the project is not dead, since attaching, setting preferences, etc are what BAM! does?

I certainly wouldn't expect the project to be listed on BOINCstats until they export meaningful stats, but many of us who joined orbit from the start are very keen to be attached now in order to get some of its first WUs. A delay of several days while waiting for stats to be exported, Willy to be notified, and the project added to BAM! would be not much fun...

If the coding of BAM! makes it impossible to allow a project to be added unless it is actively exporting stats, I can understand, though I would wish it could be otherwise.

I know we are supposed to attach to projects only using BAM!, but what happens in this case? If we attach orbit@home outside of BAM! will it mess up our existing setup? Once this project is added to BAM!, would detaching outside BAM! and then re-attaching inside BAM! work?

Please understand that despite the above, I like BAM! very much... and thanks for any help or opinions...

BAM!ID: 191
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2007-02-28 14:58:18

I know we are supposed to attach to projects only using BAM!, but what happens in this case? If we attach orbit@home outside of BAM! will it mess up our existing setup? Once this project is added to BAM!, would detaching outside BAM! and then re-attaching inside BAM! work?

I have one project (WCG) as well as my projects, but unfortunatly I still can not use the Account in WCGin BAM (I don't know why, but that is another story (thread).

So basically it is no problem to do it outside bam.

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-02-28 17:50:28

Added orbit to BAM!.
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BAM!ID: 191
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2007-02-28 18:07:49

Added orbit to BAM!.

Works great.


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2007-03-01 05:50:03

thx willy! Appriciate the good and hard work you do for us.
Ken Vogt
BAM!ID: 484
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2007-03-01 14:38:26


My many thanks as well...

Tester - Translator
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2007-03-01 20:36:10

THX Willy, I just added my account (and it was indeed found).
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 59
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2007-10-24 19:21:35


Orbit no longer shows up on my Resources page in BAM, but it is visible when looking at individual hosts and the Project List.
BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-01-17 14:21:04

News about orbit. They plan to have a new server in Feb. They may do a new install of BOINC so your current accounts may be lost. Actively developing by March.

Is that the light at the end of the tunnel, or just an on coming train.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-01-24 18:25:52

Enabled Orbit in BAM! again.
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Pages: [1]

Index :: New projects :: orbit@home