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2007-05-22 10:04:57
last modified: 2007-05-22 10:05:26

Have you seen that new project?


I haven't PS3 but I'm sure someone here has one...
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2007-05-22 16:46:48

And they are fast (or at least can be fast):
Folding@Home FAQ for PS3

Client statistics by OS (Folding):
OS Type Current TFLOPS* Active CPUs Total CPUs
Windows 186 195748 1706093
Mac OS X/PowerPC 9 11323 100138
Mac OS X/Intel 16 5008 13952
Linux 43 25004 227576
GPU 54 912 3286
PLAYSTATION®3 523 30566 132877
Total 831 2685612 2183922
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 5048
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2007-05-22 19:05:31

I think it would be interesting to add that project to BOINCstats
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2007-05-22 19:16:51

I think it would be interesting to add that project to BOINCstats

Which one?
PS3GRID with it's 14 users
or Folding, wich isn't BOINC yet (and obviously doesn't want to get the client for BOINC ready in the nearer future?
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 5048
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2007-05-22 19:21:09
last modified: 2007-05-22 19:21:38

I think it would be interesting to add that project to BOINCstats

Which one?
PS3GRID with it's 14 users
or Folding, wich isn't BOINC yet (and obviously doesn't want to get the client for BOINC ready in the nearer future?

Well, I was thinking on PS3GRID... But maybe it's early.

What happens with Folding?
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2007-05-29 12:19:05

I'm one of the 14 users on PS3grid. Their routing issues are preventing me from attaching my PS3 though.

Click image for more project details.
Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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2007-06-02 12:40:38
last modified: 2007-06-02 12:53:58

project PS3GRID -

PS3GRID is in BETA testing phase. If you own a PlayStation3 and wish to participate, please write to to obtain an invitation code.

PS3GRID is a volunteer computing project based on BOINC for full-atom molecular dynamics simulations and other scientific applications specially optimized for the Cell processor and the PlayStation3.

See the Technology thread for fascinating details.

As of 1 hour ago, permission was granted, see the thread in Q&A under website / stats

Quote from G. De Fabritiis (Project Scientist and Administrator:
Message 56 - Posted 2 Jun 2007 10:09:02 UTC - in response to Message ID 26.

Stats are enabled now and can be downloaded by other websites.

I report testing is going well and I have had few problems.

You will need a PS3 setup with YellowDog Linux, or other Linux, but YellowDog has support for the PS3, and need to download a version of BOINC designed especially for the PS3 available from the project (will be available on BOINC download page in the future)

The application makes use of 6 of the 8 cell processors on the PS3.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-06-02 12:56:59

Just looked around on their website, but I can't determine if this is a project with real work or a 'look, BOINC can run on PS3' proof of concept project.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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2007-06-02 13:27:28
last modified: 2007-06-02 13:28:52

I've asked on the project forum under science for more details.

The project is very new, like any other project, and they are adding information slowly, developing the application was more important than maintaining the web page.

More information is available under the scientists home page at

I am a participant and running this appicataion on my PS3 from the project,
A model of membrane channels: Gramicidin A

Gramicidin A channel solvated in a DMPC lipid membrane (not shown).
The permeation of ions in protein channels is important to control cell activity. However, a direct measurement of the conductivity via molecular simulations is not possible because the time scales involved are too long (micro-milli seconds). Rather, the potential of mean force (PMF) of the crossing is computed and the conductance estimated from it. We are currently looking at a simple non-equilibrium method to compute the PMF which is based on the Crooks non-equilibrium relation [Phys. Rev. E 61 2361 (2000)] over the Gramicidin A membrane protein. The equilibrium PMF is reconstructed from a set of controlled non-equilibrium pullings of ions trough the channel. This procedure also allows to compute the position dependent diffusion coefficient.

To me, from what I could read, a lot of information is in French (which I can't read), this is real science.

The project only has let a few volunteers in initially, as any project does, but they have more waiting to join. There will not be as many participants as other projects as the application only runs on the PS3 Cell Processors with Linux.

BOINC has been attempting to get Sony to add native support for BOINC (not requiring linux as Sony did for folding@home. PS3GIRD will be adding to this attempt.


BOINC Berkeley will be adding support for this platform, and I imagine some other projects will begin to develop applications that can take advantage of this. Since it is a new platform it just takes time for full support to develop.
Krunchin-Keith [USA]
BAM!ID: 27912
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2007-06-09 12:38:07
last modified: 2007-06-09 12:38:44

More detailed information on this exciting new project and the processors' capabilities are on the PS3GRID main page and Welcome to PS3GRID.
BAM!ID: 1560
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2007-07-17 00:41:12

When will this project be added to BAM?
Reno, NV
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2007-07-17 01:21:13

it already is. At least it was, if it isn't now. I have it in my list of projects for BAM!.
BAM!ID: 1560
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2007-07-17 02:29:18

it already is. At least it was, if it isn't now. I have it in my list of projects for BAM!.

Dangit! I swear I have a mental block when it comes to the "sign-up for projects" step. I keep forgetting to do it. Thanks!
Reno, NV
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2007-07-21 15:18:02

PS3GRID went down Friday evening (PDT). Of course, when projects go down, it's always just after the admins leave for the weekend, thus maximizing down time. Murphy is a jerk.

Unlike other projects, the "make sure you are attached to multiple projects" doesn't work.

SIMAP doesn't have any work right now, and the SETI alpha application doesn't work (at least not for me).
Reno, NV

2007-11-04 14:09:43

Some news about PS3grid:

2007-11-04 22:36:57

Some news about PS3grid:

Actually about Foldong on PS3, but shows the potential is there for BOINC projects.
BAM!ID: 16755
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2008-01-17 18:26:34

Is the PS3Grid project supported with boincstats? I dont see my stats showing up here. Do stats show for anyone else? Anyone have any ideas?

thanks in advance.
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2008-01-17 23:08:47

Is the PS3Grid project supported with boincstats? I dont see my stats showing up here. Do stats show for anyone else? Anyone have any ideas?

thanks in advance.

They are.

And here are you.

Probably a CPID problem.
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 571
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2008-01-18 07:45:35

Is the PS3Grid project supported with boincstats? I dont see my stats showing up here. Do stats show for anyone else? Anyone have any ideas?

thanks in advance.

They are.

And here are you.

Probably a CPID problem.

Almost certainly a CPID issue. It may be very difficult to correct as well, since not many projects support the PS3 and PS3Grid does not support other platforms. If one of your other projects can be run on the PS3 you may be able to get your CPIDs to sync.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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2008-01-18 15:30:34

Almost certainly a CPID issue. It may be very difficult to correct as well, since not many projects support the PS3 and PS3Grid does not support other platforms. If one of your other projects can be run on the PS3 you may be able to get your CPIDs to sync.

The key is yoyo@home. It does both PS3 and PCs.
Reno, NV
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2008-01-18 16:01:54

Almost certainly a CPID issue. It may be very difficult to correct as well, since not many projects support the PS3 and PS3Grid does not support other platforms. If one of your other projects can be run on the PS3 you may be able to get your CPIDs to sync.

However, you should be able to attach a machine to PS3Grid that will not be able to process WU's to help the syncing.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

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2008-01-18 17:01:51

However, you should be able to attach a machine to PS3Grid that will not be able to process WU's to help the syncing.

This is how I got mine to sync.
BAM!ID: 16755
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2008-01-18 21:51:50


Well I editied the client_state.xml file on the ps3 to make it match my real cross project id and restarted the boinc process. That seems to have done the trick. Thanks for your help.!
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2008-07-21 19:36:05

Now as well for GPU:
July 17, 2008 Launch of, BOINC on GPUs
Finally GPU computing on BOINC! After delivering BOINC on Playstation last year, we are happy to announce that from today we are are able to distribute workunits on Nvidia GPUs. and the new website go along to create a large infrastructure for biomolecular simulations. To run GPU workunits simply follow the instructions on the website. Apart from us, this was made possible by a strong collaboration with BOINC developers and in particular David Anderson at Berkeley and Stefan and Keith from the BOINC community, already moderators at ps3grid. We also want to thank Nvidia for their important support.
Grüße vom Sänger
BOINCstats SOFA member
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2008-11-12 18:28:43

The URL for attaching seems to have changed to
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Index :: New projects :: PS3GRID