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2007-06-16 02:24:34

Anyone heard about Gridfinity ( yet? New company that has a BOINC project where you get paid for doing workunits (deposits through paypal). The idea seems to be that they're acting as a intermediary between BOINC users and companies who would want to buy computing time. Doesn't seem like a bad idea to add another project if you can get some money out of it. If something like this were to get big enough, it could definitely serve as an alternative to an industry running its own cluster.
BAM!ID: 16458
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2007-06-16 06:31:22
last modified: 2007-06-16 06:34:29

Where is this BOINC project side of things??????

All I can see is that its based on BOINC but no where can I see that it has anything related to running on BOINC.
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2007-06-16 09:02:22
last modified: 2007-06-16 09:03:54

Its hard to see it mention anything specific to BOINC but you can see it better in the FAQ. I'm not too clear on whether they really use unmodified BOINC since they say certain features will not work if you use an existing BOINC client. It seems to operate like WCG where you attach to a single project URL and then there would be various subprojects determined by the server.

I'm a little skeptical though. I will sit back on this one and wait for the feedback of someone more adventurous than me
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2007-06-17 06:25:40

I've signed up just to see how it will go.... It really hurts them having to download VMware though...

Just too bad there is no work as of yet...

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2007-06-18 06:50:15

How well does this "play nicely" with BOINC? Can I set up BOINC and Gridfinity to automatically run Gridfinity when there is work, and free-BOINC all other times?
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2007-06-18 07:35:28

I have not signed up but to my knowledge, it operates just like any other BOINC project as far as the client program goes.
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2007-06-18 08:01:08
last modified: 2007-06-18 08:47:01

My knowledge is that BOINC is only for using it free, commercial stuff are not allowed (shoft@home too)?

We must contact the boinc staff and ask...
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2007-06-19 16:14:39
last modified: 2007-06-19 16:23:37

Where is this BOINC project side of things??????

All I can see is that its based on BOINC but no where can I see that it has anything related to running on BOINC.

FOUND IT! How's that for a proof that it runs BOINC?

Also lots of BOINC mentioned on "Is Gridfinity safe?" on Information for Members
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2007-06-19 16:32:21

thx for that link! I just created a team account for my team. Your a life saver, povaddict!
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2007-06-19 16:35:53

Has anybody contacted BOINC devs already?
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2007-06-19 16:37:18

How well does this "play nicely" with BOINC? Can I set up BOINC and Gridfinity to automatically run Gridfinity when there is work, and free-BOINC all other times?

That's on Gridfinity FAQ.
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2007-06-19 17:18:04
last modified: 2007-06-19 17:19:27 How's that for a proof that it runs BOINC?

First this one is only possible when you created an account over the main page.
And when I attach to that URL it gives me:
19.06.2007 19:14:47|Gridfinity|You used the wrong URL for this project
19.06.2007 19:14:47|Gridfinity|The correct URL is
19.06.2007 19:14:47|Gridfinity|Using the wrong URL can cause problems in some cases.
19.06.2007 19:14:47|Gridfinity|When convenient, detach this project, then reattach to

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2007-06-19 17:24:12

The team I created did show up when attached to the "main" url, so it looks like whatever changes you make in the boinc url will affect the project url.
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2007-06-19 17:31:35

Interesting... and quite a bit logical
Really works!
Thanks, Tank_Master!
BOINC@Heidelberg & BOINC Confederation-member

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Barbud [USA]
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2007-06-19 18:01:26

Somebody was watching, cause account creation is closed now.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-06-19 18:09:11

Me was just in time then
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2007-06-20 18:03:50

Me was just in time then

I got in okay....downloaded the software and inserted the required file from BOINC. Just waiting for WU's now.
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2007-06-20 18:34:00
last modified: 2007-06-20 18:34:40

... Just waiting for WU's now.

No WUs, no cash!

Btw: I just thought it would be a good idea to donate that money we might earn there to BOINCstats or other projects via PayPal. What do you folks think?
Greetings from Cori
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2007-06-24 13:57:46

Anyone heard about Gridfinity ( yet? New company that has a BOINC project where you get paid for doing workunits (deposits through paypal). The idea seems to be that they're acting as a intermediary between BOINC users and companies who would want to buy computing time. Doesn't seem like a bad idea to add another project if you can get some money out of it. If something like this were to get big enough, it could definitely serve as an alternative to an industry running its own cluster.

Who are you ? new account, 1 post, seems that you're not using Boinc.
Same words at 8 days ago
BAM!ID: 115
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2007-06-24 18:14:21

Anyone heard about Gridfinity ( yet? New company that has a BOINC project where you get paid for doing workunits (deposits through paypal). The idea seems to be that they're acting as a intermediary between BOINC users and companies who would want to buy computing time. Doesn't seem like a bad idea to add another project if you can get some money out of it. If something like this were to get big enough, it could definitely serve as an alternative to an industry running its own cluster.

Who are you ? new account, 1 post, seems that you're not using Boinc.
Same words at 8 days ago

Whoa you're right! Re-reading his original post, it indeed looks like advertisement (spam!), and not just telling the community about a new project he found.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-06-24 18:22:01

Well, if that is the case, he might as well pay for the advertising space
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2007-07-01 18:24:25
last modified: 2007-07-01 18:26:15


As Gridfinity offers to pay for referrals, then perhaps you could get a deal with them to get a fee for those members who sign up using BAM. That should help financing BOINCstats. ;-)

BAM!ID: 16458
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2007-07-06 05:03:30

Somebody was watching, cause account creation is closed now.

Account creation was never closed. It was (as far as I know only closed to automatic sign ups via BOINC's attach to project.

They want new users to sign up at their signup page.

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Index :: New projects :: Gridfinity: BOINC for Cash