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BAM!ID: 6409
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2007-08-31 06:48:41

Milkyway@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do reserach in modeling and determining the evolution of the Milkyway galaxy. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Milkyway@home is based at the Rensselaer Computer Science Department. This particular project is being developed to better understand the power of volunteer computer resources.
Barbud [USA]
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2007-09-01 13:19:08

This project should not be listed here, yet.
This project is still in pre-alpha state.
This project does not have WU's yet.
This project does not have a message board yet.
This project's website is not even ready to handle the public yet.

Front page news:
August 28, 2007
I have a couple more updates for you today. There is now some work on the server, but as of right now, the upload directory is not readable or writable by users that are outside of our network here, so clients can't upload their results. I have created binaries for three platforms: i386-unknown-freebsd, i686-pc-linux-gnu, and sparc-sun-solaris. If you are connected to the project, but are getting errors about having an outdated signature file, then you need to detach from the project then reattach; there was a small error in our code signing procedure which is now fixed. Lastly, we are having a little bit of trouble with clients reading from input files. I will be working on a solution, but until then the results will be insignificant. Thank you for your participation and your patience, and hopefully we will have a working product up soon.
August 26, 2007
I just wanted to update everyone, and show that this project hasn't died. First of all, we just got a brand new server machine that will be dedicated to our project. Everything has been loaded onto this machine, but we still have a couple of bugs to iron out a couple of bugs. We should have new work to be done in the next couple of days.
July 8, 2007
A new web interface is up for Milkyway@home
July 7, 2007
Milkyway@home project is up and running, and account creation is now enabled


2007-10-08 17:57:12

From the latest news it looks like this will shortly be a viable project

October 7, 2007 Version 1.06: MilkyWay@home works on Windows!
I just released version 1.06 of the application, and this will now run on windows unlike before. In addition to working on windows, it also correctly handles checkpointing. This means it won't crash if you suspend it and resume it later. The only platform that has yet to upgrade to 1.06 is mac, but that should be up tomorrow. Now everyone should be able to get some credits. I'll do my best to get some work up on the server real soon, and we should be working on some real problems really soon!

I'll start crunching this one as soon as there are WU's and SIMAP has run dry


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2007-10-30 09:21:49

Does anybody know what happen with Milkyway ? Since some days there is no response for the homepage.
BAM!ID: 474
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2007-10-30 11:58:57

Does anybody know what happen with Milkyway ? Since some days there is no response for the homepage.

It's fine for me.
BAM!ID: 27211
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2007-11-08 15:20:46

Over 10000 WU were available recently, although they were very very short. Hopefully this is a sign the project is getting ready to go full tilt.
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2007-11-08 15:27:52

Today I got some WU's.
Agreed not very much.

As well there is a forum.
BOINCstats SOFA member
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2007-11-09 22:02:30

Milkyway project admin has enabled stats export. Willy can you add this project to the stats?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-11-09 22:18:23

He might have enabled it, but the files are not there.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BOINCstats SOFA member
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2007-11-09 22:39:26

He said it should show up at update time every 12hrs so don't know when that will be but thanks for being on top of it
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2007-11-10 17:36:12

He might have enabled it, but the files are not there.

Comment by Travis:

I set the server up to export stats, is it working for anyone?
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2007-11-10 21:37:19

He might have enabled it, but the files are not there.

I see some files, though I don't know the content.

In this thread he askes for feedback
Grüße vom Sänger
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-11-10 21:48:20

The files are now there.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 123
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2007-11-11 16:56:28

ok, I added it to BAM! last night, but I still dont see it anywhere... is it suposed to work like that?
BAM!ID: 1560
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2007-11-11 17:29:17

ok, I added it to BAM! last night, but I still dont see it anywhere... is it suposed to work like that?

Right. It was there for the sign-upage. But after signing up, it still does not show on the resources page.
Reno, NV
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2007-11-12 20:48:57

Did the same thing to me in BAM, but later showed up on the Resources page.

See also:
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2008-11-14 17:10:57

Willy, can you please do the same as you have done with FreeHAL with this other project that gives random credit for no work done?

It doesn't fit in with the proper projects, it only destroys the stats.
I don't care if I loose my 50K, about at least three quarters of them are not earned but given by the project without any merit.
Grüße vom Sänger
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2008-11-14 21:04:01

Willy, can you please do the same as you have done with FreeHAL with this other project that gives random credit for no work done?

It doesn't fit in with the proper projects, it only destroys the stats.
I don't care if I loose my 50K, about at least three quarters of them are not earned but given by the project without any merit.

The credits aren't exactly random like at FreeHAL, but I agree Milkyway has a strange credit policy in the moment with the optimzed application. Basically they award 0.03*time in seconds, which is quite high for very fast machines (some 10% higher than optimized SETI on a 4GHz Core2) and ridiculously high for older ones.
Some pressure to adjust their scheme can't be wrong. But I have to admit, that loosing the 3 millions there is not what I would prefer as a solution.
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2008-11-14 21:21:28

... Some pressure to adjust their scheme can't be wrong. But I have to admit, that loosing the 3 millions there is not what I would prefer as a solution.

Yes, I agree (have just gotten over 1 mil there but I'd hate loosing it as well. *grin*) - and besides that Milkyway isn't halfways as "alpha" as FreeHAl is.

Greetings from Cori
Steven Pletsch
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2008-11-14 21:44:52

They have announced today that they will be bringing their credit in line with other projects in a few days.

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2008-11-14 22:01:42

Ok. So no need to exclude MW from any stats methinks.
Greetings from Cori
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2008-11-15 16:30:00
last modified: 2008-11-15 16:30:44

They have announced today that they will be bringing their credit in line with other projects in a few days.

They have annonced something along this lines before, they never let any action follow their announcements.
They are not trustworthy, and anyway, their credits are in no way comparable to any other project listed here, why should they be included?
Why not include the whole Folding stats or the original dnet stats as well?

The credits at MW make absolutely no sense at all, neither intra-project and even less inter-project, they are plain rubbish.
Grüße vom Sänger
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2008-11-15 18:11:17

Well, I don't like "credit cencorship".
Greetings from Cori
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2008-11-15 19:24:46

Well, I don't like "credit cencorship".

We don't like credit arbitrariness.

The credits @Milkyway are in no way comparable to any other BOINC projects, so why should they be included here?
Grüße vom Sänger

2008-11-15 19:31:39

Well, I don't like "credit cencorship".

We don't like credit arbitrariness.

The credits @Milkyway are in no way comparable to any other BOINC projects, so why should they be included here?

they are in the stats. it's you who want's to compare projects - which is a silly attitude by itslef.
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