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BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
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2015-05-20 10:06:54
last modified: 2015-05-20 10:53:50

Sound interesting and would like to see an Android client and I'm sure others would too. It'd be a definite draw for the project as there are too few projects with Android support. :/

How much space does the client take up? (Looks like about 950mb)

BOINC tried to download WUs but everytime they all keep ending up with "Download Failed" in the task list. (Makes Pac-Man dying sound)
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 26,015,758
World-rank: 28,373

2015-05-20 10:17:18

The first couple times I tried to sign-up for DENIS@home, it just sat there trying to create account. A couple minutes later I went back and tried again with success.

I don't know if it was BAM (I've been getting time out errors sporadically the site yesterday) or DENIS...
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Index :: New projects :: DENIS@Home