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[SG-FC] hl
BAM!ID: 82699
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2015-03-26 13:37:58
last modified: 2015-03-26 13:38:47

Hi Willy,
you also can retire "AlemereGrid Boinc Grid" and "AlmereGrid TestGrid", their is nothing since over a year

BAM!ID: 95678
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2015-03-27 17:36:17

In the test project AlmereGrid TestGrid in February of this year there were many tasks

2015-03-28 01:01:26

really, last year I had to track down someone to tell them that their forum was full of spam
yes they cleaned it up but never got a reply. had to follow the links on the main page and go
round and round and round link by link by link etc
they were too busy with doing PR about how wonderful they were via demos of something, than caring about the projects.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2015-04-25 07:27:09

Willy retired it just now.
Pages: [1]

Index :: Retired projects :: AlmereGrid