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2025-01-09 23:05:31

@KAMasud June 1999 here. "Four Score and 4 billion points ago..."
BAM!ID: 230436
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2025-01-09 23:06:43

...or is that 4 billion pints ago?
Dr Who Fan
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2025-01-10 05:01:31

WCG is sort of back on line. Still waiting on some BOINC back-end servers to resume operations for tasks send/receive
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-10 10:00:19

@Stacie. There were 639, 5.3 billion points in 1998 with a Pentium 1.
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-10 10:02:37

@Stacie. I had reached 578 and now I am down.
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-10 10:32:28

NVIDIA has just unveiled a new GPU/CPU with Tensor cores. What havoc will it create on Boinc?
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-10 10:32:39
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-10 15:22:16

Thanx 2 the electric co I had to turn off some of my big hitters to afford to heat and eat!
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-10 15:23:50

@KAMasud NVidia might lower the $ for some of the older gen cards now!!
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-10 15:25:45

@Stacie My journey started with Apple2/C64/Amiga BBS's I ran back in 1982!
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-10 15:29:16

300 baud, 6 phone lines, @.25 cents a minute unless I phreaked it!
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-10 15:42:55

FIDOnet and floppy disks! Those were good days!
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-10 21:22:30

My first computer was a Sinclair ZX80. First computer with modem a C64 and 75/150 bd, Good slow days. :-)
BAM!ID: 4615
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2025-01-11 03:02:18

@Laird o' th' wee White Hoose ... oh an external modem in a Box !
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-11 12:59:22

Not BOINC related but my first was an 8086 with GWBasic and the hard drive was five and something floppy.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-11 16:01:42

1/2: @KAMasud: 5¼" FD. My 1'st business-related computer use, was a C128D that used CP/M.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-11 16:04:19

2/2 Used it in the office, to prepare manuscripts for typesetting. The time before I became an editorial secretary.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-11 16:07:03

@Bill: Aye.
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-11 18:44:10

It's only semi-BOINC related or is it? We grew up on these machines and made them our careers often too.History is IMPORTANT
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-12 05:59:15

If you don't know your history, the present will feel lost and the future will not be possible.
BAM!ID: 230436
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2025-01-12 07:43:21

My first computer was a tribal drum. Web connection was a blanket for sending smoke signals.
BAM!ID: 222656
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2025-01-12 12:29:57

@Stacie I will go get my caveman leopard skin covering and my club and meet at the watering hole with the rest of the tribe!
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2025-01-12 18:31:17

In the Navy I was a Wireless operator. Now the wireless operates automatically. Ergo I am now surplus.
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-13 01:29:20

@Stacie. If I go further back, it was an Abacus. @Laird. Merchant Marine, Ditto. @mOlaki, beat that.
BAM!ID: 7927
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2025-01-13 01:34:43

@Laird, I started on steamships. I cannot beat @Stacie. That was a good one. No chest thumping, what about a rain dance?
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