The text below is transferred from the shoutbox. It’s a very interesting discussion which would be a shame to let it disappear in the black hole of the shoutbox.
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SETI is the most popular and least useful project, imho
Useful? Could be; if by random chance it succeeded, it'd be huge. But even if it doesn't, without S@H, BOINC would'nt have nearly as many members at the moment I dont think
SETI started the whole thing. Moreover I know that Berkeley uses data collected for other *scientific* purposes even if I am not able to understand what they are doing but that is something related to Hydrogen into the outer space
Frank Jahn:
Without SAH there would be no BOINC
So SAH is/was usefull in developing the software, but is the science of SAH usefull?
I never said Seti@Home should have never existed. . .
Usefulness can not be empirically quantified - it is, after all, up to personal preference. Ask yourself whether short term or long term goals are important? etc.
Usefulness is mostly personal taste, and is as such not disputable. Even the crunching of random numbers may be useful if done to further develop some science app. or even just the server setup. Also, past usefulness does not warrant for eternal.
Valery Zablotsky:
Saenger, we are slowly engaging in phylosophical discussion over that matter

But the real problem is: if assumptions made (radio signals, tpye of them, a way to measure and predict them) are correct? If not - then we are crunching data for nothing
Zablotsky: True, but considering we can't ask aliens what frequency they're blowing their horns at, we just have to make educated guesses and run with it. Regarding crunching random numbers, I get a feeling thats what these alpha projects do now
Not that random data is bad though, like Saenger said. Develops the application for the future
Valery Zablotsky:
Moreover, if signal would be found and confirmed: do we have assurance that SETI staff will not silently report that to US government? and it will be hidden for long time to get a "competitive advantage" over other nations?
Dan Untied:
When another app is developed that tries searching for eti in another "fishing hole", I will support that as well. As Edison said loosely quoted "I am mor a discoverer than an an inventor. "
I'd hope they'd release it publicly after confirmation right away. I'd hate to wait 20 more yrs to see religious nuts try to factor that in to the bible
@Ringold You assume they will find a signal, and be able to prove that it came from intelligent life. And that it would destroy some foundation of Christianity, or Judaism.
@ WyerByter: The fanatics in my country that cant even accept evolution, yes, it would shatter their world. Or they'd ignore it. One or the other
@Ringold: In your mind, is it possible that evolution might not be correct? If your answer is 'No', then the fanatic appears to be you.
Oh Brother! Evolution makes much more sense than " let there be light. " The age of magic was a long time ago.
Fanatic? Educated, perhaps. I'd say "no" to that just the same as I'd say "no" to gravity not existing. Both can be seen and observed right before our eyes. At least a dozen cases of observed speciation in the news this year.
Lol, not to mention the discovery of a species that grew out of cancer in dogs in Asia 2000yrs ago. That was a fascinating read. No citation of 'Genesis' in the research papers.
Evolution doubt?!? On this site?!? BOINC is a science-oriented activity. What's your next issue? Sun revolving around the Earth? Come on WyerByter. . . this one is settled.
So "Let there be Light" makes less sense then, "Oh, it was an accident". Beyond that it is not settled except in the public schools where they teach the religon of secular humanism in the guise of not teaching religon.
Religon has nothing to do with God, It has to do with Money and Power.
@WyerByter: "let ther be light" or "Touched by his noodly apendage" makes less sense then scientific facts or theories without the need for magic for me. The inclusion of magic in the process lessens the value imho.
@WyerByter: "the religon of secular humanism" -- secular means "indifferent to religion". By definition, secular humanism is not religious. If you'd like to discuss theology, then start a thread in the forum and I'll join.
Lady Klaatuborada:
If you cant see the Divine in the complexity of the Human Geome, in the structure and laws of nature and the universe, in the power of subatomic particles, then you're just not going to see it.
If you can't explain or answer, call it a Big Bang!! Where did the matter/energy for the Big Bang come from? And before that? Our "intelligence" is too primitive to understand all this! Imho.
I sorry there are so many dogmatic evolutionists. Is there no room in your belief's for you to be wrong? But, as per request, I will say no more.
Though it is good to see some come to my support.
Science is not a religion. There is no "dogmatic evolutionist", as it's a theory, that can be challenged like all science with new facts, but old prose is no fact, it's fiction. It's nice to read, a lot of philosophical content, but just fiction.
@Saenger: Can you prove that holy books are fiction? What evidence is there that disproves a God? Not evidence for evolution, but evidence against a God. Your claims are as baseless as anybody else's.
I don't need any proof, those who claim they're no fiction have to prove it. And prove means facts, not believe. Believe=Religion, Fact=Science. And facts have to be proven in the real world.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.