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2024-11-06 10:46:25

@Chooka03 Don't blabber about it, just scoop up the goodies and be happy!
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2024-11-06 18:51:59

Nah, I've never been a credit wh@re except maybe when BTC Utopia was around but I did that to support projects, not credits
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-07 01:06:54

I confess I was a credit whore til I racked up 2 billion on Collatz. Trying to make it less than half my pie chart ever since
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2024-11-07 11:23:31

Minecraft when it has tasks can give ALOT of credits as well, it's cpu only though
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-08 00:28:50

GPUgrid tends to give the big credit for awhile and then it stops...
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-08 00:31:36

...I'm like a prospector, when I make a strike I don't want everyone to find out where it is.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-09 02:40:44

@Stacie: That's the difference between a mind of gold or a goldmine. ;-)
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-09 11:22:33

It would be nice to hear about project status from Dennis and Universe. No sign of even small changes. Keep waiting or scrap?
BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-11-10 22:47:58

@Laird I decided to keep @Uni and @Deni attached - they don't hurt and it helps me track history on my old units
BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-11-10 22:49:30

I have been trying to spread it out across all proj's lately - working on Rosetta and Milky
BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-11-10 22:51:21

LHC has been running lots of Python (VBox) jobs too...I like the variety but some run reaaaallyyy loongg!!!
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-11 13:05:53

1) @m0laki: I also have Dennis and Universe active, yet.. It's time for info on concrete measures to come.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-11 13:06:10

2) @m0laki: Both projects have blown their own timeframes for expected return.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-12 00:16:06

BREAKING NEWS: Universe@home is ending.
BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-11-12 03:50:41

@Laird Yes, I saw the sad news too about UV@H. I did enjoy being a part of it and DEN.
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-12 10:37:10

@Laird Thanks, evidently when Krzysztof passed he hadn't taught anyone how to do the coding for U-verse workunits...
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-12 10:39:48

...we call it tribal knowledge, the project dies when the leader dies. Bummer, it's been a good project.
BAM!ID: 245053
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2024-11-12 13:39:49

Stacie anyone who can do coding and understands the data they are working on can recreate the tasks, coding is just coding
BAM!ID: 245053
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2024-11-12 13:40:56

Stacie yes the problem is 'tribal knowledge' as you say
Mads Nissen
BAM!ID: 102433
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2024-11-12 18:51:28

Universe@Home is ending...
Mads Nissen
BAM!ID: 102433
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2024-11-12 18:53:07

@Laird o' th' wee White Hoose ahh you HAD said that..
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-13 13:41:14

My final position on Universe will be 542. Boincstats has me at 390 but it is an abbreviated list.
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-14 05:44:03

@Stacie: According to Boincstat I ended as #368 with 60,218,667 credits. Universe was also an exelent choice for older PC's.
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-14 10:25:33

@Laird your actual position is 503. The only way I know to find it is to drill down on the participant list on the site...
BAM!ID: 230436
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2024-11-14 10:28:48

...Boincstats shows 3,414 users for Universe, but in Detailed Stats it shows 55,282 users.
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