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BAM!ID: 53972
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2008-07-16 20:08:31

OK, I'll bite...

I can post to the regular fora.

I reviewed the Shoutbox rules, read the FAQ's, and searched for posts regarding using the Shoutbox.

I'm pretty sure I haven't violated the Shoutbox rules to draw a ban, since I've never been able to get one to post.

The problem is basically I click the button to Shout and nothing happens. I've tried using several different platforms with the same results.

So the question is, what's the trick?

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2008-07-17 20:14:45

OK, I'll bite...

I can post to the regular fora.

I reviewed the Shoutbox rules, read the FAQ's, and searched for posts regarding using the Shoutbox.

I'm pretty sure I haven't violated the Shoutbox rules to draw a ban, since I've never been able to get one to post.

The problem is basically I click the button to Shout and nothing happens. I've tried using several different platforms with the same results.

So the question is, what's the trick?


One thing that I find a little confusing is that when you click into the text box it expands, when you click out it contracts. The confusing part is that the first click anywhere outside the text box is just a click outside the text box and not a click on anything.

So, you finish typing your shout and click "Shout!", but nothing happens, other than the text box shrinking. This is what I have seen. Pressing the "Shout!" button a second time usually does the trick.
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2008-07-17 20:16:37

Yep, and if anybody knows the trick to teach JavaScript to react to the button on the first click then post here. I tried but JS just won't listen to me.
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BAM!ID: 53972
Joined: 2008-06-10
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2008-07-17 21:05:19

OK, thanks guys...

I'll review this and give that a try the next time I feel the need to shout. :-)

BAM!ID: 53972
Joined: 2008-06-10
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2008-07-24 19:51:59


As you can see from the Shoutbox, your suggestions worked!

Thanks again.

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2008-07-30 21:39:01

Yep, and if anybody knows the trick to teach JavaScript to react to the button on the first click then post here. I tried but JS just won't listen to me.

Use onmousedown instead of onclick.

Or, make the text box shrink a few seconds after focus goes off the text field. That way people will usually click and release the button before the text field changes size.
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