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2006-03-14 04:59:15

This is in no way meant as an insult to anyone as we all have our stupid moments even if we don't admit them to anyone else. I decided last year to write a book filled with stories about people who either always go around this way or just temporarly act like their IQ has plunged into negative numbers.

I thought I'd see if anyone has any stories they'd like to share and start off by posting one of my own. First paragraph is an explanation of the elevators where I work so you can better understand the lack of thought this person exhibited.

"First, before I give the stories I’ve experienced in this section let me just explain the elevators at work, which is a clinical building with over a dozen departments in it which is part of a medical school, where my stories come from. We have 2 elevators with a panel in between them with 2 buttons, one an up arrow and the other a down arrow that luckily always has working bulbs in it so they always light up when pushed. Above each elevator is another set of up/down arrows with bulbs that always work except on one elevator on the 5th floor but even there the lights on the buttons work. On the frames of the elevators on each side is a panel with the floor number clearly visible and easy to read. The inside of the elevators contain a panel towards the top of one side that displays the current floor, sometimes displays an up or down arrow depending on the direction the elevator is going and sometimes doesn’t. There is also the actual panel with a button for each floor, all of which have working bulbs.

One story worth special mention though was the time that I was waiting on the elevator on the 7th floor to go down. The door opens and a medical student steps out partially and asks if this was the 7th floor, again ignoring the 3 indicators, I politely tell him that it is and he gets back on the elevator. I step on as well and push the button for the 2nd floor where I was going. He states out loud that he’s going down 1 more, which would make any reasonably intelligent human being assume he was going to the 6th floor. But instead of pushing the button for the 6th floor he pushes the button for the 5th floor and gets off there. I daresay that math was not a subject that he was very good at in school and I immediately felt sorry for any patients he ever treats. "
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2006-03-14 14:49:09

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2006-03-15 12:47:37

Well, it just happened, so I though I would post it.

Me and my friends are making a computer game. Since we are amateurs, and the project has just been started, we don't have any graphics. And we just happened to be discussing that.

The talk went up to the point when we jokingly decided to used not bigger resolution that 320x240, because then noone would see our crappy graphics skills. But since it's a very low resolution anyway, I offered doing that game 2x2 pixels size - would solve all graphics problems )
John McLeod VII
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2006-04-02 02:29:47

First time I drove an automatic after several years of driving a clutch with a very stiff return spring wher I got used to tap lightly on the brake, and stomp hard on the clutch, I made the mistake of doing exactly that. Unfortunately, the brake pedal on the automatic was one of the double wide things that both feet can push against. I nearly scrapped the front bumper on the pavement. Fortunately the driver behind me had enough room to get stopped with out hitting us...
Lee Carre
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2006-04-06 22:12:21
last modified: 2006-04-06 22:13:22

I nearly scrapped the front bumper on the pavement.

lol, can relate entirely, in britain most cars are manual (clutch and stick), automatics are as rare here as manuals are in the states (i assume that's where you're from John)

that must have been a hell of a shock lol
bet you never forgot after that
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BAM!ID: 474
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2006-04-07 14:50:47

Had a very blond moment today...

My best friend sent me a box with Easter candy. She sent a package of M&Ms. I said "Oh look, they say E for Easter!"

Lee Carre
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2006-04-09 02:58:28
last modified: 2006-04-09 02:59:00

My best friend sent me a box with Easter candy. She sent a package of M&Ms. I said "Oh look, they say E for Easter!"


all depends how you look at it

but just don't let the anti-drug people see, they'll have a fit
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