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2013-06-18 10:37:38

The new Chinese supercomputer was developed by the National University of Defense Technology. The name Tianhe-2 is translated to Milky Way-2.

According to the benchmarks used by Top500, an organization that tracks supercomputers, China’s supercomputer spits out an amazing 33.86 PetaFLOPS per second, or 33,860 trillion calculations per second. As a comparison, the US Department of Energy’s Titan supercomputer was the former world’s fastest supercomputer, but it only achieved about half the performance of the Tianhe-2 at 17.59 PetaFLOPS per second.

TOP500 editor Jack Dongarra says the China supercomputer Tianhe-2 was built entirely with Intel processors, but the overall design, efficiency, and operating system were designed in China.

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