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2013-10-09 00:00:41

Seriously ill skin cancer patients have seen spectacular effects after being given groundbreaking new drugs.

Experts have hailed the beginning of a new era as scientists have been able to battle advanced melanoma for the first time. Undergoing current treatment, patients normally die within months of diagnosis.

To create the new cure, scientists combined two types of drugs: ipilimumab (known as ipi) and anti-PD1s. Together, they break down the defences of cancer cells, and reboot a patient’s immune system. This new cocktail of drugs could mean more than half of patients are cured of the devastating condition.

This new treatment will offer hope to the 13,000, or 35 people a day, who are diagnosed with skin cancer in the UK each year. According to the charity Cancer Research UK, over the last thirty years rates of malignant melanoma in Great Britain has risen faster than any of the current top ten cancers.

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