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Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-26 22:32:53

I don't know if this is now a general problem after the recent server software upgrades or specific to the circumstances, but...

BealF and EDGeS were retired recently. But, the projects had stopped responding a while ago. Between when they stopped responding and when they were retired here, any new hosts I brought online received them from BAM! as part of the "Attach new host by default? = Yes" setting. So, they were added to these hosts as "Added via acct mgr=yes", but never got any actual connection to the projects, so stayed as the URL in the Project column. Then they got retired in BOINCstats, rightfully. Yet, they did not get automatically removed from these clients even though I have "Detach retired projects from hosts=Yes". And, when I go to these hosts, BOINCMgr won't let me "Remove" them, since they are added by an acct mgr.

What to do? Do I have to go into the misc XML files to surgically remove them and remove the project folders?


PS: Also, the projects were not removed from the hosts where they were added BEFORE the host was under BAM! management, presumably since they were not marked as "Added via acct mgr=yes", just like the rest of the projects on such hosts, even though BAM! successfully manages them. I don't know if that is by design or a bug. Luckily, BOINCMgr lets you "Remove" them manually.


Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-26 22:35:54

Oh, wait. I just found a host where BealF and EDGeS were added by BAM! when the projects were responding, thus the project names are all correct (instead of URLs), and they are marked as "Added via acct mgr=yes", and they were *not* removed as part of the retirement, and they cannot be removed with the (disabled) "Remove" button in BOINCMgr.

So, this might actually be a general issue with "Detach retired projects from hosts=Yes" not working after the software updates.
Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-26 22:55:21
last modified: 2016-01-26 23:30:00

And, found another host still with a connection to Constellation which was retired a while ago (2015-11-18, certainly before server upgrades), and SLinCA (2015-09-06). But on this host, both weren't marked with "Added via acct mgr=yes", so maybe they weren't supposed to be detached by BAM!, which is sort of a bummer. I removed them manually.

Sorry, walking around the house, hunting down my hosts is taking time...
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-27 07:32:08

Please check the acct_mgr_reply if there is a detach command for these projects.

The BAM! code has not been changed so this should still work properly. There is also a counter how many detach commands have been send to a retired project which for Edges and Bealf is at 2629 and 155 respectively.
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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-27 07:43:07

On the host I am sitting in front of (, the acct_mgr_reply.xml has nothing related to either project. It only has the following:

<signing_key> 1024
<![CDATA[BAM! User: 37744, Tuna Ertemalp]]>
<message>BAM! Host: 568110</message>
<message>Number of BAM! connections for this host: 6339</message>
<![CDATA[Dear founder of team Microsoft, your team is invited to participate in
the team challenges (]]>
<host_authenticator> blah blah blah </host_authenticator>

All of my machines installed before these projects have been retired still have these projects connected. Plus that one machine that still had Constellation and SLinCA. Something is wrong...

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-27 07:49:31

Reran a BAMsync, this time the reply came from www1, the only difference is "Number of BAM! connections for this host: 6336" which is 3 less than what www2 said. Huh?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-27 08:10:58

Enabled debugging for this host id so I can see all xml received and send.
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-27 08:30:21

Just did a fresh sync, in case you wanted to look at your debugging data.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-27 08:34:55

If that doesn't help, you might want to turn on debugging for all my hosts. They sync every hour and I think almost all have this problem. I am about to head to bed. It is 00:34 here...
Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-27 17:49:20

Was that helpful while I was sleeping, or would you need the hostIDs of all my hosts that are not getting Detach commands from BAM!?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-27 18:13:09

Sorry, I had appraisals all day long. Didn't get to do anything else.
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-27 18:45:39

No problem at all. Just let me know if you need anything from me...
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-28 08:05:02

Found your problem: on the page BAM! settings your setting "Detach retired projects from hosts" is set to 'no'.
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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-28 08:31:16

No. I had set it to yes forever ago which is why it had worked for Constellation and SLinCA, except for one machine. I looked at all my settings after the user account restore from old backup issue, and it was set to yes. And, i checked before i reported this, it was yes. I still see it as yes. Maybe web doesn't show what is in the db?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-28 08:43:56

Database says 'no' so I have to check the web interface. Changed it to 'yes'.
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-01-28 08:48:12
last modified: 2016-01-28 09:11:42

And, now I am seeing NO on the web. But, when I sync'd, two projects did get detached, correctly. So, web is showing the exact opposite of the db. Which explains it. A year ago, I wasn't using BAM!, but had an account, thus the default must have been NO. Then in April I started using it, changed it to YES. The recent restore from year old backup must have reset it to NO in the db, but some bug on the web interface kept showing YES. And, detaches didn't happen, without giving a visual clue on the web as to why not.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-28 15:51:19

Fixed the web interface.
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Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: Retired projects not removed automatically