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2016-07-01 01:28:56

The Project: Beauty@LHC is listed in My Projects under BAM. Clicking Detach all hosts does nothing therefore unable to delete the project. Note that the project is not listed in statistics Active or Retired Projects.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-02-08 21:55:52

Yeah, same story here, months and months later. I noticed Beauty@LHC still had a few unfinished tasks on few of my hosts, many many months overdue, I aborted the tasks, noticed that their project site was down such that an Update wouldn't work, came to BAM, using MyProjects/ShowHosts on the project I detached it from all my hosts, which actually successfully removed the project from the hosts after they sync'd with BAM. But the project is still in MyProjects (however, *NOT* under MyDetailedStats/ProjectList as it never was), presumably because it is not retired. But that is exactly the problem: It is neither in the list of active nor retired projects in the left pane.

So, does that mean that it'll just hang out in MyProjects as a project that I was once attached to, can't attach anymore, never got any credits for (at least none that was detected & reported by BS), without being listed under my stats as neither an Active nor Retired project?


Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-03-03 16:07:31

Bump. Since we are on the subject of ex-standalone-projects-that-moved-to-LHC@home in other threads...
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-03-04 09:39:36

Made some changes, should work now.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-03-04 16:52:16

Hmmm... It is still listed on the MyProjects page and still not listed under MyDetailedStats/ProjectList as retired. In other words, nothing changed from my point of view. Waiting for some database/update settling?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-03-04 16:55:32
last modified: 2017-03-04 16:57:12

I did not change anything regarding showing/not showing projects on pages. I fixed the detach function.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-03-04 17:00:01

Then, I would think that Beauty@LHC should be retired. The server hasn't been up in ages, and all LHCb jobs are now run as a subproject in LHC@Home. In case any users had any credits from Beauty@LHC in your database, it should be treated just like you did vLHCathome (but I don't know when they stopped doing any work & dispense credit since I personally was never able to get a job successfully download & finish under the VirtualBox VM, thus got no Beauty@LHC credits that I am aware of).
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Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: The Detach option in My Project has problems