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BAM!ID: 211445
Joined: 2016-10-24
Posts: 8
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2016-11-20 22:34:40

What's going on?
All host group project settings got this. Good thing I only updated one of my Hosts and caught it.

I clicked "detach on all hosts" on IBERCIVIS, but that should not leak to the other projects.
BAM!ID: 211445
Joined: 2016-10-24
Posts: 8
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World-rank: 7,878

2016-11-21 21:55:57

Bug works consistently:
Clicking "Detach all hosts now" in the "Options column" on ANY project in

will CLEAR the check-mark in "Attach" on ALL projects for ALL groups! But this does not happen to the settings for single hosts.

I use groups to control all my hosts. What a shit bug!
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
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2017-02-18 20:15:59

This bug still occurs. Been occurring for a whiles. :/
Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: Why did ALL my projects just get set to "detached" for no apparent reason?