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BAM!ID: 180111
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2017-03-28 22:46:28

I have seen several questions about removing projects from the BAM! "My projects" page, all with no good answers.

In Boinc manager (linux client) the projects page shows the projects I am attached to via BAM! fine,
but (for example) TheSkyNet pogs has changed its URL, and the Notices tab says to "remove" the project and then
re-attach; however, BAM! has no way to remove projects, and the boincmgr client disables the "remove" button, so
it seems that there is no way to make this correction while using BAM!

Is there a definitive answer on how to use BAM! to remove a project from all hosts, and from the client manager projects list?

BAM!ID: 173152
Joined: 2014-10-23
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2017-03-29 04:00:51

On the web site do the following:

1. Under the 'My BAM! menu', click 'Host list'
2. Click the host on the list you wish to change (do not click the detailed stats button, just click the host line anywhere)
3. Next page at the bottom you'll see a 'Edit projects' button, click that.
4. Scroll down to find the project and click on its line.
5. Uncheck the first 'Attach' tic-box
6. On that host, go into the BOINC.
7. Click 'Tools' on the menu bar. Click 'Synchronize with BOINCstatsBAM!'

That project will detach and you will no longer be doing work for that project on that host. If you wish to re-attach, do the same steps but tic the 'Attach' box back on the website.

If this does not work, then you can manually detach from the project:

1. In the BOINC client software, click 'Tools' on the menu bar. Click 'Stop using BOINCstatsBAM!'.
2. On the 'Projects' tab, click the project and then click remove on the left hand side menu bar.

After that you can then start using the BAM! manager again.
BAM!ID: 173152
Joined: 2014-10-23
Posts: 15
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World-rank: 18,182

2017-03-29 04:05:10

I forgot to mention you can remove ALL hosts at once from a particular project on the website.

1. Click 'My projects' under the 'My BAM! menu'
2. Scroll down to find the project you wish to detach and click its line.
3. In the 'Options' column there are two links; one to detach all host, and one to attach all hosts.
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Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: Need a definitive answer about removing projects when using BAM!