Pages: [1]
BAM!ID: 44778
Joined: 2008-01-25
Posts: 2
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2008-01-30 13:28:26

I can't join any team within the Einstein@home project using BAM.

This doesn't seem to be an error of Einstein@home: I can join a team via their page.

Here's what I do:

    *I go to
    *I click "Change/search team" next to "Einstein@home"
    *I search for a team (BOINCstats for example)
    *I check the "Join"-box and hit "Join"
    *I get an error: "No team found"

This also goes for other teams. Subscribing to teams in other projects than Einstein@home does work.

As you requested my BAMid: 44778

BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-01-30 16:53:41

I can't join any team within the Einstein@home project using BAM.

This doesn't seem to be an error of Einstein@home: I can join a team via their page.

Here's what I do:

    *I go to
    *I click "Change/search team" next to "Einstein@home"
    *I search for a team (BOINCstats for example)
    *I check the "Join"-box and hit "Join"
    *I get an error: "No team found"

This also goes for other teams. Subscribing to teams in other projects than Einstein@home does work.

As you requested my BAMid: 44778

This is a problem with Einstein and not BAM.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

BAM!ID: 50094
Joined: 2008-04-14
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2008-04-14 10:35:19

I'm also still having this problem. 4 projects total on 2 hosts, but I can't join a team for einstein@home using BAM. On the einstein website, I've joined a team successfully, but always get No Team Found on the BAM website....
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-04-14 17:17:17

Einstein had borked their BAM! (actually: AMS) support completely. I have mentioned it to them some months ago.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: * Joining team on Einstein@home doesn't work