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Trog Dog
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2008-06-18 10:32:41

G'day Willy

M@H is active in the other BAM pages Sign up for projects, teams, hosts etc but not resources, managed to find my account, but then had to attach each host individually or is this intentional?
BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-06-18 15:24:29

G'day Willy

M@H is active in the other BAM pages Sign up for projects, teams, hosts etc but not resources, managed to find my account, but then had to attach each host individually or is this intentional?

If your computers are already attached BAM does a good job of detecting that.

However, it seems that BAM may have set the resources at Magnetism to 0.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

Tester - Translator
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2008-06-18 16:49:57

BAM seems to have problems with the resources.
It's missing from the resources page, but it's well in the host page
It's there with a "-" for "same as on project general", but there was always 10 for me, and BAM! thought 100.
It's not in the combined stats as well, although stats were available since around yesterday morning UTC.
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 3895
Joined: 2006-08-10
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2008-06-19 02:46:14

If your computers are already attached BAM does a good job of detecting that.

However, it seems that BAM may have set the resources at Magnetism to 0.

It is now on the resources page and showing up some other places on the stats side.

When I did look it up on the resources it was set to 0, changed to a more appropriate number.

I'm very happy, now just to talk half a dozen or so project admins into okaying BOINCstats.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! Bug Report :: * Magnetism@Home not showing in Resources page