I really like the possibility to sync my settings from BAM! to my machines. As I'm not too fond of having to go around my machines and fiddle with monitor-cables, mice and keyboards when I want to change stuff, BAM! is ideal for my needs.
Unfortunately there are projects that load other preferences and thus overwrite my nicely adapted BAM!-settings which fit the different needs on my differently used machines.
At the moment there are two ways to overcome this: First, I can stop crunching for those projects, second, I can use settings directly within the manager which overwrite anything thrown at it from outside - both BAM!-preferences or those from other projects.
It seems that the preferences synced from BAM! are overwritten because there's no <venue> specified by them.
So, my idea would be to use the name that is given to each preference here as a <venue> within them.
I'd really appreciate if you could try that. If you do, please inform us users, as atm I'm using Boinc Manager preferences, so I would not notice any changes.
Thanks a lot.
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Greetings, Jens