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Forum moderator - Tester - Volunteer tester
BAM!ID: 101557
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2018-04-04 14:10:05

I really like the possibility to sync my settings from BAM! to my machines. As I'm not too fond of having to go around my machines and fiddle with monitor-cables, mice and keyboards when I want to change stuff, BAM! is ideal for my needs.
Unfortunately there are projects that load other preferences and thus overwrite my nicely adapted BAM!-settings which fit the different needs on my differently used machines.
At the moment there are two ways to overcome this: First, I can stop crunching for those projects, second, I can use settings directly within the manager which overwrite anything thrown at it from outside - both BAM!-preferences or those from other projects.
It seems that the preferences synced from BAM! are overwritten because there's no <venue> specified by them.
So, my idea would be to use the name that is given to each preference here as a <venue> within them.
I'd really appreciate if you could try that. If you do, please inform us users, as atm I'm using Boinc Manager preferences, so I would not notice any changes.
Thanks a lot.
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Greetings, Jens
BAM!ID: 13859
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2018-04-09 02:17:48

The <venue> tag you refer to is in fact the preference name at BAM; by default, BOINC uses the names home, work, and school. There should be radio buttons for the defaults when you go to create/edit the preferences at BAM. Did you try making a change to the preferences at BAM? BOINC will use the preference set that is the "newest" when there is a conflict.
Forum moderator - Tester - Volunteer tester
BAM!ID: 101557
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2018-04-12 09:55:46

Thanks for the answer.
I've tried this over and over through the last year.
Christian from Einstein told me something was wrong with the venue-tag, and in fact on PrimeGrid which shows name-/venue-tags it seems there aren't any.
This might be caused by BAM using a host-specific-tag which will keep the preference from being deliviered to the projects as well. So, the projects do not necessarily know that there are preferences and load my WCG-defaults, even if those are older.
Please read and . To me it seems that nothing has been done about this. I'd like to use BAM preferences on all my machines and would appreciate it if BAM found a way to keep them safe from being overwritten.
Btw. I don't think it's only WCG that messes this up but other projects as well. I might be wrong though.

Thanks for investigating.
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Greetings, Jens
Tuna Ertemalp
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2018-04-17 17:47:41

Are you using BOINC 7.8.3? I had this exact same problem (,1) a year ago, had to do everything manually on each host, but after upgrading to 7.8.3, this issue went away for me. Now, everything is again coming from BAM. Even though github comments don't say anything, notice how the comments/complainst stopped mid-2017. And, I vaguely remember that someone added something to BOINC before 7.8.3 got released that now prefers AcctMgr settings if one is in use. Don't quote me on that, though... Although, says:

"Version 7.8.3
released: 4 October 2017
client: extensions, fixes to account manager functionality


Forum moderator - Tester - Volunteer tester
BAM!ID: 101557
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2018-04-22 20:07:44

Thanks a lot!
Seems to work on my Macs. My Linux boxes run older Boinc versions as their distributions didn't update those that far. Will try to do that manually.
Wish me luck! :-D
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Greetings, Jens
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2018-04-23 14:48:34

Good luck! Seems there is nothing more recent than a 4 year old version of BOINC for Linux...
Forum moderator - Tester - Volunteer tester
BAM!ID: 101557
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2018-04-23 15:01:50

It's possible to install at least version 7.6.33 for Linux via Synaptics and such.
Don't know why it isn't listed on the boinc.berkeley site.
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Greetings, Jens
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