Pages: [1]
BAM!ID: 219532
Joined: 2017-07-07
Posts: 1
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World-rank: 0

2018-07-15 04:34:01
last modified: 2018-07-15 04:39:03

I've been running WCG and the stats have been going to my team stats. I'm also running Seti@home but those stats aren't going to the team stats. The WCG states it is part of the team, the Seti stats don't say they are part of a team. How do I add my Seti crunching to the team stats? Oh, and NOTHING shows when I click on "my Projects".

2018-10-27 22:42:17

DBNUpperbound is not listed under My Projects. Has it been forgotten or is there a reason?
Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! General :: I can't figure out how to add to a project to my team.