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BAM!ID: 233941
Joined: 2019-11-08
Posts: 13
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2019-11-30 10:38:50

How do I remove the project 'yoyo@home' from my projects list?

All in all, I did 1 task, and had it added to BAM early on, before I realized how BAM worked.
I now want to remove this project, but don't see a 'remove' option in the browser (from a desktop browser, not mobile).

How do I go about?
Tester - Translator - BOINCstats SOFA member
BAM!ID: 2648
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2019-12-07 14:08:59

If you crunched and completed a task for a project, the rewarded credits are saved in the stats and connected to your BOINC-username.
If you don't want to crunch anymore for a project, then you can remove it from your host(s). The earned credits will stay however in the stats.

Some projects (not using BAM!, but directly on the project-site) allow it to remove your BOINC-useraccount, resulting in 'anonimizing' the credits and not having it linked anymore to your BOINC-username. Mind you, the various stats-sites could keep showing those stats if they decide to keep their own history.

2019-12-24 01:57:44

There used to be a remove project button, but it didn't actually do anything. So I'd also like to see a way to remove projects. Old projects I haven't crunched in years just clutter my project list.
BAM!ID: 234327
Joined: 2019-12-24
Posts: 1
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2019-12-24 02:11:29

Unless something comes along, I just switched my account to an inactive email and made a new account, then updated all my active projects back to the correct email.
BAM!ID: 237816
Joined: 2020-05-31
Posts: 2
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2020-05-31 10:21:52

Same question for Rosetta@Home; wrong account got linked.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! General :: How do I remove a project in BAM stats?