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BAM!ID: 36541
Joined: 2007-10-14
Posts: 8
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2020-03-31 21:14:25

Hey guys, returning to BOINC after years of inactivity. Just connected my host to BAM!, but for some reason I can't get it to attach to WCG through BAM!. I've ensured that I'm using the same username and password in BAM! and with WCG, but despite that, I was only able to attach to it manually. I think the core of the issue is that BAM! is linked to the wrong WCG user. When I go to the Projects page and click on the stats, it brings me to, however my actual stats are at

Is there any way I can remove the project from BAM! and re-add it?

Thanks in advance.
BAM!ID: 13254
Joined: 2006-11-26
Posts: 2
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2020-04-14 20:22:49

Did you find a solution ?
I've got the same problem.

Thank you
BAM!ID: 36541
Joined: 2007-10-14
Posts: 8
Credits: 2,297,433
World-rank: 134,576

2020-04-29 22:45:23

I did not find a solution for this yet. I admit I've been focusing more on Folding@HOME for the time being, so I haven't focused on my BOINC setup in a wile.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BAM! General :: Can't attach to World Community Grid