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BAM!ID: 41385
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2012-05-21 13:05:43

I'm a little confused by the Work Preferences option and how it works with the new BAM! interface. I have two Work Preferences, default and Work. In the past I would assign a host the "Work" setting and it didn't seem to matter what project the host last communicated with, it would always have the "Work" settings.
Now, after the BAM! interface changes, it appears things work differently. I assigned a new host my "Work" settings here on BAM! and when the host communicates with BAM! then it gets the "Work" settings that I want it to have. When the host communicates with a project then it gets my default settings as if the project doesn't know that the host should be getting the "Work" settings.

Here is the output from the event log after manually having the host connect to BAM! and then manually connecting to a project, in this case the Docking project:

5/21/2012 7:54:49 AM | | Fetching configuration file from
5/21/2012 7:54:52 AM | | Contacting account manager at
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Account manager: BAM! User: 41385, Cleaner10
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Account manager: BAM! Host: 379289
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Account manager: Number of BAM! connections for this host: 8
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Account manager contact succeeded
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | General prefs: from (last modified 21-May-2012 07:23:39)
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Host location: none
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | General prefs: using your defaults
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | Preferences:
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | max memory usage when active: 1791.70MB
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | max memory usage when idle: 2687.54MB
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | max disk usage: 2.00GB
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | don't compute while active
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | don't use GPU while active
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 50 %
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | max download rate: 10240 bytes/sec
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | max upload rate: 10240 bytes/sec
5/21/2012 7:54:54 AM | | (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)
5/21/2012 7:55:23 AM | Docking | update requested by user
5/21/2012 7:55:26 AM | Docking | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
5/21/2012 7:55:26 AM | Docking | Requesting new tasks for CPU
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | Docking | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | General prefs: from (last modified 25-Apr-2012 14:50:50)
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | Host location: none
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | General prefs: using your defaults
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | Preferences:
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | max memory usage when active: 1791.70MB
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | max memory usage when idle: 2687.54MB
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | max disk usage: 2.00GB
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | don't use GPU while active
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | max download rate: 10000 bytes/sec
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | max upload rate: 10000 bytes/sec
5/21/2012 7:55:29 AM | | (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)

I read something about "venues" not being supported anymore and I think that is what I referred to as a host "location". I'm not sure if that is related but I think maybe it is.

I guess my big question is this, what is the correct way (or best way) to assign hosts preferences?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2012-05-21 14:55:41

BAM! settings are pushed as global_preferences/host_specific. As far as I know a project has no business overwriting these, so the host should retain the host specific prefs even after communicating with a project. I'll have to investigate this behavior.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 41385
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2012-05-21 18:08:35

I appreciate it, Willy. I wasn't sure if this is a bug or the way things are supposed to work.
BOINCstats SOFA member
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2012-05-21 18:30:37

I fixed this behaviour by editing the preferences at SIMAP (same values as in BAM).

In the previous BAM I used the "Synchronize with projects" link (on the Work preferences page). Is this function removed by purpose?

BAM!ID: 41385
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2012-05-23 18:26:06

Some more information for you Willy. Of the 5 projects I'm connected to, it looks like only Docking and Rosetta are exhibiting the behavior described below. If I update from SETI, SIMAP, or World Community Grid then the host continues to use the work preferences from BAM!. If I update from Docking or Rosetta then the work preferences get overwritten with old settings just like the sample log below shows.
BAM!ID: 125399
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2012-07-11 13:35:37
last modified: 2012-07-11 13:37:10

If I update from DistrRTgen then the work preferences get overwritten with old settings just like the sample log below shows.

Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:14:09 | | Contacting account manager at
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:14:10 | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 33 %
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:14:10 | | (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:15:13 | DistrRTgen | General prefs: from DistrRTgen (last modified 11-Jul-2012 20:42:20)
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:15:13 | DistrRTgen | General prefs: using your defaults
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:15:13 | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 25 %
Ср. 11 июля 2012 21:15:13 | | (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)
English is not my native language
BAM!ID: 125399
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2012-07-13 18:56:50

Boinc 7.0.28 (win32) prone to this problem
English is not my native language
[AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
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2012-12-31 12:47:31

botanegg wrote:

Boinc 7.0.28 (win32) prone to this problem

Any news on this issue ? is it solved ? was it only a 7.0.28 issue ? win only ?
Nikolay A. Saharov
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2013-01-23 13:11:05
last modified: 2013-01-23 13:13:15

I also have this problem with all my hosts (WinXP, Win8; BOINC versions 6.12.34, 7.0.28, 7.0.31).
BAM!ID: 130321
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2013-01-24 04:04:53
last modified: 2013-01-24 04:24:13

Nikolay A. Saharov wrote:

I also have this problem with all my hosts (WinXP, Win8; BOINC versions 6.12.34, 7.0.28, 7.0.31).

Same - Same (WINXP, Win7, Win8, Fedora17, Ubuntu 12.10, Zorin6; BOINC 7.027(x86), 7.0.28. 7.0.31 was tested, but also did this, so I went back to 7.0.28). Sometimes they arbitrarily take settings from a project I haven't modified in months... I have to then redo my BOINC Group work settings; if that does not work the first time, I reset BOINC MGR to use local info, then resync projects with BAM, and reset BOINC MGR to be default. This usually covers it... No idea why, but it just happens.

BAM!ID: 57228
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2013-05-11 13:46:50

I got the same issue with the work preference, has it been fixed?
BAM!ID: 52187
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2017-01-19 12:13:19
last modified: 2017-01-19 12:57:30

Hi all,

droople wrote:

I got the same issue with the work preference, has it been fixed?

Not really...

I have headache due to the behavior of "World Community Grid". I have set BOINC on my computers to use web based work preferences. Normally they use the settings i made in bam.boincstats. But as soon as a client gets an update from WCG, the prefs for this client are overwritten by WCG settings until the client connect for an update to BAM. After this update the settings are corrected to use BAM based prefs... until the next project update from WCG... and so on...

19.01.2017 12:58:28 | World Community Grid | General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 12-Jan-2017 13:32:52)
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | World Community Grid | Host location: none
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | World Community Grid | General prefs: using your defaults
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | Preferences:
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | max memory usage when active: 4054.34MB
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | max memory usage when idle: 7297.82MB
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | max disk usage: 100.00GB
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | don't compute while active
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | don't use GPU while active
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 25%
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | Suspending computation - computer is in use
19.01.2017 12:58:28 | | Suspending file transfers - computer is in use

BOINC version here is 7.6.33 (x64).

Well... i can chose the client to use local settings, or i can use web/BAM based settings... but is it possible to fix or force the client to a specific web based prefs profile, to avoid them being overwritten from any project? Or is there a way to force project prefs to the BAM prefs?

For now, i have configured my settings on WCG website to the same prefs i have set in BAM... but to be honest, i really don't like to call this a "solution". ;-)

Please tell me, there IS a better solution, and i just don't see ist! :-D

Thanks in advance and kind regards

BAM!ID: 1183
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2017-01-20 13:43:55


I just wanted to open a topic but saw this thread, so just saying that I have the same issue currently with the Seti@home project. The preference setup here in BAM are not taken there so the client always uses the SETI@home preferences, although the BAM preferences are newer, so I assume those should overwrite the seetings at Seti over time, which they still don´t do.
BAM!ID: 34887
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2017-01-28 14:32:39

I got this work preference overwrite by WCG from yesterday, no clue about why it happening,
now all my work are stale

here is the log


28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] OS: Linux: 4.4.39-gentoo
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] Memory: 31.11 GB physical, 51.79 GB virtual
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] Disk: 167.55 GB total, 120.93 GB free
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] Local time is UTC +8 hours
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [] URL; Computer ID 617798; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [] URL; Computer ID 1265292; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [Leiden Classical] URL; Computer ID 105706; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [rosetta@home] URL; Computer ID 1594421; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [The Lattice Project] URL; Computer ID 90205; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [World Community Grid] URL; Computer ID 2280878; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [LHC@home] URL; Computer ID 10200597; resource share 100
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] No general preferences found - using defaults
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] Preferences:
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] max memory usage when active: 15929.86MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] max memory usage when idle: 28673.74MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] max disk usage: 150.80GB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] don't use GPU while active
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 25%
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
28-Jan-2017 22:29:06 [---] Not using a proxy
28-Jan-2017 22:29:07 Initialization completed
28-Jan-2017 22:29:07 [] Fetching scheduler list
28-Jan-2017 22:29:15 [] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:15 [] Requesting new tasks for CPU
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [] Not sending work - last request too recent: 25 sec
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [World Community Grid] General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 28-Jan-2017 22:27:45)
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [World Community Grid] Host location: none
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [World Community Grid] General prefs: using your defaults
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] Preferences:
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] max memory usage when active: 15929.86MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] max memory usage when idle: 23894.79MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] max disk usage: 4.00GB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] don't use GPU while active
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 50%
28-Jan-2017 22:29:18 [---] (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
28-Jan-2017 22:29:23 [Leiden Classical] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:23 [Leiden Classical] Requesting new tasks for CPU
28-Jan-2017 22:29:26 [Leiden Classical] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
28-Jan-2017 22:29:26 [Leiden Classical] No work sent
28-Jan-2017 22:29:26 [Leiden Classical] (there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated)
28-Jan-2017 22:29:26 [Leiden Classical] No disk space (YOU must free 63778.2 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for maximum disk space used.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:31 [LHC@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:31 [LHC@home] Requesting new tasks for CPU
28-Jan-2017 22:29:34 [LHC@home] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
28-Jan-2017 22:29:34 [LHC@home] No tasks sent
28-Jan-2017 22:29:34 [LHC@home] No tasks are available for SixTrack
28-Jan-2017 22:29:34 [LHC@home] VirtualBox is not installed
28-Jan-2017 22:29:37 [---] Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
28-Jan-2017 22:29:39 [rosetta@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:39 [rosetta@home] Requesting new tasks for CPU
28-Jan-2017 22:29:40 [---] Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:40 [rosetta@home] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
28-Jan-2017 22:29:40 [rosetta@home] No work sent
28-Jan-2017 22:29:45 [World Community Grid] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:45 [World Community Grid] Requesting new tasks for CPU
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] No tasks sent
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] No tasks are available for Help Stop TB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] No tasks are available for FightAIDS@Home - Phase 2
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] Outsmart Ebola Together needs 100.00MB more disk space. You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 100.00 MB.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] Mapping Cancer Markers needs 500.00MB more disk space. You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 500.00 MB.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] OpenZika needs 100.00MB more disk space. You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 100.00 MB.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] FightAIDS@Home - Vina needs 100.00MB more disk space. You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 100.00 MB.
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] New computer location: work
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 28-Jan-2017 22:27:45)
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [World Community Grid] Computer location: work
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] General prefs: using separate prefs for work
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] Preferences:
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] max memory usage when active: 23894.79MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] max memory usage when idle: 28673.74MB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] max disk usage: 4.00GB
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] don't use GPU while active
28-Jan-2017 22:29:50 [---] (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-02-22 04:57:28

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-02-22 04:57:45

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Index :: BAM! General :: Confused by Work Preferences