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BAM!ID: 3162
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2007-12-17 23:42:19



Linked to : THIS SITE
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-12-18 06:08:09

Damn, do you also link to Suse on Microsoft's site and to Mercedes on BMW's site?
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BAM!ID: 3162
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2007-12-18 12:14:40

Damn, do you also link to Suse on Microsoft's site and to Mercedes on BMW's site?

Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Please feel free to remove the invite. No one will join anyway.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-12-18 15:11:27

Not going to remove anything. Competition is what makes BOINCstats the.... uhm, fill in for yourself.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 3162
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2007-12-18 17:14:54

Not going to remove anything. Competition is what makes BOINCstats the.... uhm, fill in for yourself.

The Best...

I apologize again if I was out of line, posting a link to a competitor. I'm glad you're taking the gentleman's point of view on this. The guys at allprojectstats got me to do some translating and I kind of got involved. Looking on the more practical side of things, I couldn't think of a better place to advertise than on the most used and well known stats site. I suppose I was a bit underhand;I could've left out the link! No hard feelings.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-12-18 18:16:11

No problem! No feelings hurt, no ego busted
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 3162
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2007-12-18 20:30:47

No problem! No feelings hurt, no ego busted

Taken like a decent Dutch sportsman. BTW do you play or participate in any sports? You know, psychologically speaking, the Dutch and British are pretty similar folk
(correct me if I'm wrong).

All the best Willy, I ain't going that far away!!
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2007-12-18 20:49:22

No sports.

I do like skiing in the winter (kind of hard in the summer anyway) and at the moment I'm only doing some at-home training.

Unlike most Dutch and certainly unlike most British, soccer doesn't interest me at all.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 3162
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2007-12-18 21:18:48

Unlike most Dutch and certainly unlike most British, soccer doesn't interest me at all.

THANK GOD that there's another European out that that doesn't like Footy. The only sport I practice is archery. Great sport for focusing the mind. When you've got an arrow nocked and at full draw, you must of course aim a bit, but 75% of the actual releasing of the bowstring is commanding all the parts of your body to do the same thing for each arrow you shoot. Not easy; so easily distracted; mind focused on the procedure; the same procedure that you've done 1000 times before; some ba****rd coughs and you shoot a 6 instead of a 10!!

It's a great way to unwind though, really. I'd recommend archery to anyone who's got a stressful job, etc.

Oh dear! I've gone completely off-topic.....SORRY!!
Francis Butts
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2008-02-14 15:28:07

Hello to anybody following or looking at this thread. Stop by: and look around. Are you looking for an "International" team to join. "" has a great look and a lot of resources available.
Many of our members are multi-lingual; Italian, German, various "dialects" of the "Kings English" and now Bulgarian.
Our current membership also includes individuals with a broad base of computer hardware and software knowledge.
Register to post a message, question or comment in the forums. I hope to see you there!
Francis Butts
BAM!ID: 26262
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2008-03-16 15:14:41

Hello to anyone following this thread.
Please stop by:"" and look around. Our team website has some interesting and unique features. Too many to mention here. Plus I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Are you looking for a team with an "International" flavor to join?
Many of our members are multi-lingual; Italian, German, various dialects of the King's English and now Bulgarian.
Our membership also includes individuals with a broad base of computer hardware and software knowledge.
Just register to post a message, question or comment in the forums. My team mates and I hope to see you there!

BAM!ID: 3162
Joined: 2006-07-15
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2008-04-22 20:36:22

Join Team ''. I formed the team back in December of 2007, expecting it stay a one man show. After a few days I was joined by a couple of others. We're now nine strong, eight full-timers and one part-timer. I'm hoping we will continue to grow, as we're all very Team orientated and we'd all like to see some new crunchers share the Team experience with us. If you're teamless or if you just want a breath of fresh air moving from another team, all are welcome! We represent, an ever-developing Boinc Combined Statistics Site. It includes some very cool features which you won't find on other sites of this kind:

AND there are always other new features on the drawing board. New ideas are always welcome!!

JOIN NOW!! BOINCing is fun but even more so when you're part of the RIGHT Team:

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