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BAM!ID: 109332
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2017-06-18 15:41:24

I have a screwy cpid split from an project retiring, I think. Action so far:

- I have ensured I have at least one machine running all projects.

- All (active) projects have the same email, with no special characters.

- Then I have reset the cpid, and waited several Sundays.

Can anyone assist?

My "detailed stats" points to cpid 5fa32aebd5b9ff05df9fe99ff91fdde9 and has just one (retired) project.

My "my projects" lists all my active projects and they all have cpid 44689198298bea85194a568c24ae89b0

I looked for "sync retired projects" but can't find it!

BAM!ID: 109332
Joined: 2011-10-18
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2017-07-03 22:43:25

Bumping this. Please can anyone assist? I look like I'll lose all my credit. :0(
Tester - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2017-07-06 01:26:30

"sync retired projects" is available if you are using BAM. It is in the My BAM menu on the left side in the BOINCstats sub-menu. Note you only need to use it to register all your projects for this to work, you don't have to use it to manage any of your hosts if you don't want to.

You didn't mention it, do your username and email here at BOINCstats also match your projects?
BAM!ID: 109332
Joined: 2011-10-18
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2017-07-18 18:34:44

Jeff17 wrote:

"sync retired projects" is available if you are using BAM. It is in the My BAM menu on the left side in the BOINCstats sub-menu. Note you only need to use it to register all your projects for this to work, you don't have to use it to manage any of your hosts if you don't want to.

You didn't mention it, do your username and email here at BOINCstats also match your projects?

Thanks, found SYnc Retired where you pointed me, but my retired project isn't there - only in my detailed stats (where it's the only thing).

All the projects have an email as login, and that's the same as my email here; I used BAM to join them all, I think.
Tester - Translator - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2017-08-04 11:26:17

marshp wrote:
All the projects have an email as login, and that's the same as my email here; I used BAM! to join them all, I think.

The last part (I think) is crucial. Afaik the "sync retired projects" works only if the project was added using BAM!.

Did you do an update for all projects on the host which has all your projects? This should lead to "flip" the used cpid in the stats files to the current one.
BAM!ID: 109332
Joined: 2011-10-18
Posts: 9
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World-rank: 41,670

2017-10-16 20:41:58


I had completely given up and was just going to DO/Linode to fold up my BOINC boxes, thought I'd check in first. Seems fixed! No idea how or why.
Pages: [1]

Index :: CPID problems :: Split CPID, think I've tried all I can, advice welcome