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BAM!ID: 215831
Joined: 2017-03-08
Posts: 2
Credits: 600
World-rank: 3,399,616

2017-11-12 04:20:26

Hi Guys,
I did some project re-arrangeing, tested 2-3 projects and removed one from my list,
since then my detailed stats show 600 credits (about 12 Million before),
the cpid is the same on all the projects,
under the stats for my account in the projects my stats are still there and updated, on my detailed stats, just the LHC prohect is displayed (I removed the projekt).

Link to my detailed stats, where the problem is occuring to me:

Please assist as I would like to have the projekt-list wide stats back working for me.

BAM!ID: 6168
Joined: 2006-09-13
Posts: 1
Credits: 7,986,764
World-rank: 63,405

2017-12-18 21:12:14

Hi Timo123,

I have lost about 11 million roughly at the same time as you. After connecting back to BAM I noticed that some of my Biggest projects disappeared from My projects list regardless I keep crunching and cannot be bothered with stats anymore... I do it for cause and science behind not "Bit-coins" Cheers.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
Credits: 6,262,365,185
World-rank: 570

2018-05-29 13:33:30
last modified: 2018-05-29 13:35:42

Timo123 wrote:

Hi Guys,
I did some project re-arrangeing, tested 2-3 projects and removed one from my list,
since then my detailed stats show 600 credits (about 12 Million before),
the cpid is the same on all the projects,
under the stats for my account in the projects my stats are still there and updated, on my detailed stats, just the LHC prohect is displayed (I removed the projekt).

Link to my detailed stats, where the problem is occuring to me:

Please assist as I would like to have the projekt-list wide stats back working for me.


International Timo123:
German Timo123:

LChudzik 1:
LChudzik 2:
Pages: [1]

Index :: CPID problems :: 12 Million Credit lost, HELP!