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BAM!ID: 211050
Joined: 2016-10-12
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2021-01-26 17:40:44

I have a weird one. My relatively new host has ended up with two records. What is odd about it is that one instance ( is doing all the computation work and dutifully posting results and collecting credit, while the other one ( has ZERO credit, but is the one that BAM communicates with for setting centralized computing preferences, etc. While I can see both hosts in BAM, I can only see the one with credits in the projects. Therefore i cannot merge the two together (I get messages like "No hosts are eligible for merging with this one" when I try.

Is there a way to force merge of two hosts when one does not have any credit? Or how can I get rid of 1020981 that no project has any credit for?
BAM!ID: 45166
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2021-01-26 20:45:04

I have no explanation for what causes this, but I have had it happen to me quite a few times.

The way I have 'fixed' it involves quite a long wait!
After 30 days (it might even be 40 days), when you look at the Host List, one of the duplicates will disappear off the list. Once this happens, click on "Show all hosts" below and to the right of the list of hosts.
You will see the duplicate in red, and there will be a red cross in one of the columns. Click this red cross and confirm you want to delete (it might say remove) this host. As scary as it sounds, once you delete it, there will be only one copy of the host. This host will be controllable by BOINCStats, and will have the credits. Even though I have done this several times, it still scares me when I do it!
Please note, it may take some time before the list updates with the correct host.

Good luck.
BAM!ID: 211050
Joined: 2016-10-12
Posts: 2
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World-rank: 8,859

2021-01-26 21:27:37

Patience is indeed a virtue!

Thanks for the tip
Pages: [1]

Index :: CPID problems :: One host does the work, while BAM talks to the other host (can't merge if one host has zero credit)