Pages: [1]
BAM!ID: 240195
Joined: 2021-03-06
Posts: 2
Credits: 0
World-rank: 0

2021-03-07 17:10:54

Hi I'm new here, I'm probably doing something stupid or just not aware.

I setup my two accounts for projects at Einstein and Rosetta.

I have BOINC Manager syncing with both these sites.

Then I created my BAM account and logged in via the Manager.

However neither of my projects show on BAM?

Any help would be appreciated.
BAM!ID: 23282
Joined: 2007-04-15
Posts: 140
Credits: 3,055,619,355
World-rank: 933

2021-03-07 17:49:20

Hi CaptainGonzo,
I think there is a fault in Boincstats at the moment. I also cannot see my stats.
And also, have you made sure to enable stats export on both projects sites too? This is required for the stats to show up here.
BAM!ID: 240195
Joined: 2021-03-06
Posts: 2
Credits: 0
World-rank: 0

2021-03-07 19:20:12

Thanks Ryle,

It looks like some of the data is coming through now.

I reset my CPID and did what you said, enabled export data in the privacy settings on Einstein.

BAM!ID: 23282
Joined: 2007-04-15
Posts: 140
Credits: 3,055,619,355
World-rank: 933

2021-03-07 19:28:42

You're welcome,
I hope mine are restored soon as well.
Pages: [1]

Index :: CPID problems :: No project credits showing in BAM