Moved from "BOINC"

Pages: [1]
Warinet Global Services SA
BAM!ID: 26245
Joined: 2007-05-12
Posts: 7
Credits: 2,948,244
World-rank: 116,520

2008-11-21 21:32:30

Hi there,

it seems something happened to my credit table. I've lost 55,000 credits in one day !!!!

Will you check, please ??


S@NL - FilmFreak
BAM!ID: 3062
Joined: 2006-07-11
Posts: 196
Credits: 73,875,476
World-rank: 13,537

2008-11-21 21:55:20

It's freehal, they resetted the credits:
Racoon: Take your bike and leave the car, going straight to Erics bar.

2008-11-25 23:15:07

Hope this is the right thread
my post got me here
Waited a few days fot split CPID to reset but my stats is still dropping (now nearly 2mil !)
3 projects & nearly 2mil cr missing in detailed stats but stats in Host list & Project list correct.
What caused this split CPID?
My e-mail address is still the same in all projects - did not change it

Pages: [1]

Index :: CPID problems :: Lost credits