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BAM!ID: 5884
Joined: 2006-09-10
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2015-05-10 14:24:21

No messages yet..? .. Here`s one!
BAM!ID: 317
Joined: 2006-05-14
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2015-05-10 18:55:41

Although we have no functioning forum currently, we still have found together to an extremely powerful force
BAM!ID: 20000
Joined: 2007-02-25
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2015-05-12 15:36:13

Absolutely!! The force comes from within. :-)))
BAM!ID: 95439
Joined: 2011-01-09
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2015-05-12 17:23:58

Hi, the Team!
It seems to me like here we have a small part of our forum, again.
Glad to see another teams and crunchers on board!
Let's help the Science!
BAM!ID: 5884
Joined: 2006-09-10
Posts: 441
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World-rank: 160

2015-05-12 19:37:31

Things will sort out ;-) Just wait and see.
Sajjad Imam*
BAM!ID: 130579
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2015-05-13 10:15:29

Glad to see everyone is alive and well! I was starting to think's been sooo long.....
BAM!ID: 86939
Joined: 2010-06-29
Posts: 36
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2015-05-15 07:56:36

@Sajjad Imam*: worries, you need a bit more than a broken forum to break up our Family
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