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BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
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World-rank: 18

2015-06-18 13:17:18

Quiet around here .....
BAM!ID: 17477
Joined: 2007-01-19
Posts: 7
Credits: 137,120,275,789
World-rank: 58

2015-06-18 15:12:06

servers are not accessable. Not good for a race starting in a few hours.
Mumps - did you suck off all the workunits?
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
Joined: 2009-07-31
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2015-06-18 17:51:01

This might be a real short challenge
BAM!ID: 182035
Joined: 2015-02-22
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2015-06-18 17:57:40

the name of the event #is the biggest hamster#
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
Credits: 385,073,183,608
World-rank: 18

2015-06-18 23:14:31

Could be a very short event, tasks ready to send=0. Bit pointless to even start
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
Credits: 385,073,183,608
World-rank: 18

2015-06-18 23:16:46

also validator and assimilator not running.
BAM!ID: 83603
Joined: 2010-04-01
Posts: 1
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World-rank: 6

2015-06-18 23:18:37

Sorry Sabroe_SMC. Not me this time.
I've been running and returning what I get, as I get it. Nothing special for me on this challenge.
BAM!ID: 160425
Joined: 2014-02-04
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2015-06-19 01:15:25

YAY! Down to 2 work units running and that's it. Not worth my time to attempt to run more than one computer and have only 2 work units. Maybe next challenge Universe will be a little better off.
Sylvester@Planet 3Dnow!
BAM!ID: 10987
Joined: 2006-10-29
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2015-06-19 01:35:52

9 WUs for 33 computer. Not so bad ;-)
Haunted Forest
BAM!ID: 170651
Joined: 2014-08-27
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2015-06-19 05:34:31

so many machines at idle...
BAM!ID: 160425
Joined: 2014-02-04
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World-rank: 204

2015-06-19 05:36:00

Yes.....idle. See y'all at the WCG challenge!
BAM!ID: 888
Joined: 2006-05-28
Posts: 39
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2015-06-19 10:00:25

WU's generating in progress, plenty of them arrive in next few hours
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
Credits: 385,073,183,608
World-rank: 18

2015-06-19 10:54:05

unfortunately all my systems have now picked up their backup projects.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2015-06-19 11:08:54

Luckily I reached Mars before the challenge even started...
BAM!ID: 153978
Joined: 2013-10-16
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2015-06-19 19:08:26

Server is up, but the validator is down.
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
Credits: 385,073,183,608
World-rank: 18

2015-06-19 21:31:22

Transitioner backlog (hours) 9.52
BAM!ID: 166533
Joined: 2014-05-16
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World-rank: 481

2015-06-19 21:39:49

And growing. At least hopefully credits are back before end of the race.
BAM!ID: 888
Joined: 2006-05-28
Posts: 39
Credits: 466,757,636
World-rank: 3,935

2015-06-20 07:18:30

Server still generate WU's and because this cause high pressure it will come back to normal stage in next few hours... At least it gives tasks now and transitioner backlog will go lover soon.
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