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Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-11 00:36:00

It's the 11th now, I've started!
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-11 10:14:23

Welcome Dirk, AMD Users and all other great crunchers Lets compete
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-11 20:18:14

Hey Scole, what about The Scottish Boinc Team? Keep on fighting
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-11 21:38:49

I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-11 22:27:43

@Scole: "Mey the moose ne'er lea' yer girnal wi the tear drap in its ee."
You are doing a great job, sir
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-12 00:09:34

"Mey the moose ne'er lea' yer girnal wi the tear drap in its ee." Elricm, you spoke French! Speak more, I beg you! Bonjour, soup du jour, Eiffel Tower, anything!
BAM!ID: 121197
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2015-10-12 11:27:42

onney mooses in ma girnal dinnea leave wee a heid at a .... SNAP, deid moose
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-12 16:36:05

elricm, I think they missed the spirit of the quote :
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-12 17:01:18

Scole, yep they missed it
BAM!ID: 121197
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2015-10-12 18:22:01

nope, I pointed out exactly what happens to any mice in my food cupboard They definately leave as a spirit ....
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-12 21:00:52

Anybody seen a Muon WU lately?
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-12 21:49:25

Just picked one up
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-12 22:16:55

You lucky sod!
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-13 01:43:23

I'm starting to think some PrimeGrid 17 or Bust WUs got mixed in the ECM WUs
BAM!ID: 121197
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2015-10-13 01:57:29

According to WUProp I picked up a harmonious tree unit which appear to be rarer than any mice in my food cupboard
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-13 10:56:38

Hmm, scole and Sphynx are trying to hunt me down. Why can i not use my gpus Good luck
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-13 11:15:57

ECM records: 94.9 hours on an Atom D525 and some frighteningly long processing times from the Windows 32-bit platform too
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-10-13 11:19:01

There were six harmonious tree released yesterday, one has already returned...
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-13 19:40:32

Elricm, have you ever seen those videos where young chaps here in the south driving those big turbo diesel pickup trucks let a car roll up to them, then stomp on the accelerator pedal and cover them in a cloud of soot? You don't have anything like that in mind for Sphynx and me do you?
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-13 20:49:55

Scole ... I drive two HEMIs from Dodge. I really know what your are talking about. Your are really not allowed doing this to me. This is would be lèse-majesty . Grmph.
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-14 00:04:43

Elricm, I think your reading comprehension is as bad as mine
BAM!ID: 62867
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2015-10-14 20:56:31

Scole, you are confusing me if you are using difficult words like 'comprehension' BTW: What about your diesel ? Do not make burnouts, keep on the street. <eg>
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-14 22:54:19

I do have a Banks tuner with the performance tune installed on my Ford F-250, but I do not abuse it. I only have it because I did the EGR delete mod. It's pretty quick for a 7000 pound vehicle though. I have a co-worker that recently bought a Dodge Charger SRT 392, Sublime Green. He's dying to open it up, but its still in the break in phase.
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2015-10-14 23:00:08

Oops! He has a Challenger SRT 392, not Charger. Not sure which he loves more, that or his family
BAM!ID: 62867
Joined: 2008-12-16
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2015-10-15 05:14:55

Oops . I drive a 2009 Charger SRT 8 Superbee 440 and a little Durango 2004 SRT for family issues I love them all, Family, HEMIs and Intel CPU's *big grin* But now where a completly off topic
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