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BAM!ID: 814
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2016-07-14 20:19:01

The yafu server has limited download bandwidth. So attach to the project before challenge start date to download the app.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-07-24 09:39:20

May your cores be with you
Erkan Yilmaz
BAM!ID: 67279
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2016-07-25 16:57:58

62.5% of all participants are Gridcoin users
Erkan Yilmaz
BAM!ID: 67279
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2016-07-26 09:12:53

33h passed, but 5 of the 12 teams are not crunching WUs :-( Is there a problem with the WUs or did those 5 teams gave up too early ?
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-07-26 10:48:19

You download a 3 hour WU, and it finishes 5 days later than the guesstimate most of the times!
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-07-26 10:51:13

And takes all your cores with it during those 5 days! (but I've had WUs going on for more than a week too)...
Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
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2016-07-26 13:45:26

You cannot estimate the time of NFS Square Root, factors can be found on first dependency or 5th, it's also in function of SNFS and GNFS difficulty, composite size, sieved relations gathered. This is why the guess estimate will always be wrong.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-07-27 06:55:28

Then why not start from the worst case scenario, and adjust from there? Now it seems like the other way around. Error is within the BOINC-Client of course.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2016-07-30 01:06:10

Getting proper challenge stats seems hard, these last challenges...
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: Compete against Gridcoin: YAFU Monthly Race #001