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BAM!ID: 162552
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2016-11-05 18:16:13

Team Gridcoin is way in the lead, c'mon guys!
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-11-06 02:37:40

Have you converted bitcoin miners to run SRBase?
BAM!ID: 162552
Joined: 2014-03-02
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2016-11-06 14:48:54

@Dirk Broer: Lol, no - we just have some serious computing power being pointed at SRBase now that it's been whitelisted in the Gridcoin network.

You can't convert Bitcoin ASICs to other BOINC work.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-11-06 17:42:48

But theoretically you could program a FPGA for a specific BOINC project application. A FPGA is basically a prototype for an ASIC.
BAM!ID: 162552
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2016-11-06 21:17:51

Yes, theoretically anyone could port an open-source work unit to GPU or FPGA to optimize computation. Hopefully anyone who does this in the future would open source such an optimized application so that the entire BOINC community could follow suit. It's highly unlikely that we'll see BOINC ASICs because ASICs cost a serious amount of money to fabricate (millions of $) and if you did manage to create an ASIC you'd probably complete all the work units for the project before you could get an return on investment (if trying to earn crypto in return for computation).

SETI@Home has a couple videos on FPGAs and there's a old FPGA@Home project which was an attempt to port SETI@Home to FPGAs.

Would be cool to see Intel step up and provide a BOINC project for Xeon Phi's.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2016-11-09 00:48:01

Comparing scores works again!
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: Compete against team Gridcoin! SRBase #001