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BAM!ID: 180363
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2016-11-11 02:34:49

How are you going to determine CPU only credits?
Brian Uitti
BAM!ID: 73407
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2016-11-11 16:26:07

We're "IN" :-)
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2016-11-27 21:07:04

Projects does not run GPU applications at the moment, according to the server stats page
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
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2016-12-17 02:12:34

Umm, does anybody realize we're not actually testing anything? There's new clients but according to their server, there's no crunching being done for any of them, only the older ones.
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2016-12-19 23:23:19

A new WUProp app for me. Tally-ho!
Pages: [1]

Index :: Challenge Chats :: CPU applications test